First Med Coco Grow - finished

Flower Day 19

Picture update:bigjoint:


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Man Raiderfan... those are some beautiful pics. Really nice to wake up and check some amazing looking buds.

I'm loving the crystals... gonna be sticky. :bigjoint:
loooking good bruddah, how stoked are you

Man Raiderfan... those are some beautiful pics. Really nice to wake up and check some amazing looking buds.

I'm loving the crystals... gonna be sticky. :bigjoint:

Thanks! I appreciate the compliments.:) They are getting sticky, when I was trimming under the screen yesterday, I pinched off some bud starts near the bottom of the stems. They were pretty gooey and sticky. I can't imagine how sticky those buds are going to be. :-P
Well they seem to be slowing down on the stretching..the buds are starting to thicken.
The side shoots are even filling out nicely:-P.
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I moved the clones into 1 liter pots they seem to be happy, except for one that has some yellowing on a couple leaves.
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The seedlings are almost showing sex..only four of them made it, so we'll soon see how many are ladies.
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Edit... I wanted to ask if anyone knows what a brown bug about 1 or 2 inches long with a segmented body and looked to have 8 legs is... it moves very fast and has antennas on it's head. This is the only bug I have seen besides some gnats earlier on, but if anyone knows what it is..please let me know.
i was gonna mention to u in the PM but mite as well post for all to see.

jackmayoffer referred me to another grow forum site thats supposed to b more serious growers and better forum so i signed up today it seems legit i was gonna mention u should check it out and join if u want. similar to RUI.

search boomer242 and add me if u want to team up again
Just rread the whole thing. subbed.

right on .. thanks for droppin in Askeezy .. grab a seat and stick around.


So I have been lucky with bugs ( I haven't had any major problems). Well I have seen this little fucker crawling on my pots when watering this last week. I only saw one, but you know if you see one...there are more. So I only saw it for a second, but it looked kind of like a light brown centipede, had long antenae on its head, and is fast as shit. So this is what I think I found.

What are Symphilids?


Small pests which look like tiny 1-2 millimeter, cream or white colored centipedes.

But unlike centipedes (harmless to plants), they destroy small roots and burrow into the larger ones, where corky patches indicate areas that these pests have gnawed.

Your plant will begin to show signs of necrosis and leaves will start to die off.
It does not take long for the whole plant to become affected with no recovery from the damage.

Symphilids are not normally found in sterilized potting mixtures. They most commonly occur when using manure or compost based mixtures which have not been sterilized.

If infestation is suspected here's a way to determine if you have them:
When you water your plant they will rise to the surface of the soil and you can plainly see them crawling on the top of the soil.

If you do find an infestation, than the soil will need to be treated with an appropriate pesticide.

Contributed by: Beacon

I am not sure that this is my bug, but am not taking any chances. So tonight I added 10ml per gal of azatrol to my res before feeding. I gave each plant ~2 gals per plant.
Then I drenched the canopy ( from the bottom up) with Safer spray. I only saw two gnats while I was crawling all around under and through the canopy. I should have knocked them down too with this treatment.

The other issue that has developed the last two days is some yellowing of a few of the top fans..particularly on one plant. This may be from the is strange that it is mainly on one plant. It could be manganese deficiency which I understand is common in soil-less mediums.
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And here are a couple more bud shots I took while I was at it.
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Hella nice grow and setup. Those buds look soooo good.
Keep it up! :D

Hey thanks Bro:-P I appreciate the props. I am so stoked about how good they are comming along. Its too bad I can't share the smell of them Man..they are so stinky and even the fans are getting sticky. I can't wait for them to fatten up.:bigjoint: