glad to see u tried out that website. i havent had much time to try it out i started a thread to mess with it but kinda dumb u gotta get ur posts aPProved and it was giving me mad issues with uploading pics so ya idk haha. but naywasy hope the grow is still doin well
Right on moss, I am glad to hear you got that worked out. Where did you end up finding the coco at? Yeah coco has been good to me so far.coming along nicely man. I took your advice and bought some coco coir, got 9 lil ladies sprouted. Been playing with the coco tho and holy shit does it ever seem like a perfect medium, and it's hella cheap if you dont have to get it shipped. Even when saturated the roots will be getting alot of oxygen. Ty for helping lead me down this path I look forward to better results!
Good Luck![]()
nice shots raider
looking good man but I bet it smells even better
are you on the 23rd day of 12/12? or did you wait a week for the plant to respond and then start counting after the first week of 12/12? hope that makes sense![]()
Thanks notorious. Yes, when I open the door to the room I get hit with a wall of wonderful It is 23 days of 12/12..they started budding on day 7 or 8 I believe so a little over two weeks from when the actual flowering began.
Damn I just realized my last post was number 420
Good Job Bro, that's terrific work.
The way your kush is growing that's how I wish my OG was growing but it not.
Tell me a bit bout your PK's genetics. Might have to run it one day.
I am pulling up a chair to watch your honeys grow.
Thanks Bender and welcome. I think OG is a little slower than pk, but not from experience..just what I read. My pk is from the oaksterdam sr 71 strain. I went into this grow knowing they aren't huge yeilders, but with the hopes they are decent.
You know it always amazes me how different the strains flower. With your himalayan looking as bountiful as it is, I would guess your OG kush will just take a little longer. Your ladies definatley look happy!
Thank you and welcome to you too bro.
Once in a while the sr 17 strains do come down south. I'll keep my eye out for PK.
Anyhow I am assuming you have had the PK smoke from sr 17. How are its pain relief properties?
Yeah man the HG is is just growing like a bat outta hell. Haven't started the 4th week yet and some colas 14 inches tall already. I did go into my grow know that gold is gonna yield but not like this, also I did know the OG was gonna yield very little compared to gold.
I am quite certain that the OG nugs will be a lot denser than the gold nugs.