Well-Known Member
- medium is Atami B'Cuzz premium coco
Someone is paying attention.. yes I am using B'Cuzz premium coco
- medium is Atami B'Cuzz premium coco
Talking about nutrients not medium![]()
Wowwwww brothaaaa you have a niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee set-up there.....looking really good....Over the top...Nawwwwww
So today I put on the scrog net. It was a chore..I couldn't find any wire that had the right size hole at home depot, so I had to improvise. I found this plastic net that had 3/4 inch openings, so I cut the square openeings to make them bigger and it made about 2". It took a while, but I think it will work out good.
I also picked up an a/c. I found this on craigslist and couldn't pass it up for $100-(WindChaser PAC9 portable Air Conditioner. 9,000 BTU ) . It retails for over $500 and is like new. I don't really need it right now, but it is a de-humidifyer too so I will need it soon.
I started on my aero cloner..I need to find some neopreme rings for the 2" holes on the lid..I will stop by the hydro store on monday..I will post pics when I am finished.
very nice Raiderbig fan of scrogs too. they're typically easier with sativas to weave them through the screen compared to indicas being stalkier and don't stretch like sativas, haha I've tried both. just gotta be a little more patient with indicas lol
glad I found this before it really got going. scribed![]()
and you are going to be trimming bottom growth as you do this?
micro managing makes growing very laborious!
great setup raider. glad i got here jsut in time to see u flip to flower. im likin the scrog setup since im researchin a flood and drain hydro setup and use scrog so gonna take sum notes from ur grow for sure.
-scribed and repped for the good setup