First Mushroom Grow!

These things are out of control!!!! Bit on the small side but I noticed the same with my first caps on my last casing as well, they seemed to progressively get bigger after that. Was not expecting to come home to spores all over the damn place though! Lol


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Congrats man, i been lurkin through ur thread and watchin ur progress wanting to try my hands at mushrooms.
Think im gonna start really studying the process.
Cant wait to hear the report on how they are
Should be identical to their predecessors as they came from the same batch of spawn only these are the result of my g2g transfer. :-)

P.S. the last ones gave me the most intense psychedelic experience I have ever had!
Thought I would share my most recent visit to the other side with you guys. Yesterday started off as a great day, go up early and went to church and hung with friends for the morning. I got back home around 1 or 2 in the afternoon and decided I was going to try to get one of my buddies to come pick me up and he and I would go find somewhere to chill and grill our asses off for the afternoon/evening. That was promptly shut down by his wife of course whom wouldn't so much as allow him to leave the house other than to go to the grocery store(WTF!?!?!?). So i decided to hell with it another time and ended up taking a little nap. Got back up about 6 and ran some errands then was chosen to do the grilling for the evening.

So I grabbed a beer and proceeded to spark up the grill. Sometime after my first beer I got to thinking about tripping again and thought about it for awhile and finally decided WTF I have enough time to do this! So I downed a fresh eighth out of my stash and proceeded to grill some chicken. About 30 minutes later I started to get anxious and worried that A)I'd be up all night(no biggie not the first time) and B)that I may not come down before I had to in fact be at work. Needless to say things just went downhill from there, I was searching for ways to make myself sober up quicker(before I was even high) and by the time they started to hit me I was freaking out....this was about 8-830 or so. Left with no other options at the time I figured maybe a nice relaxing shower would help ease my mind which it did until I got out anyway. I tried to lay down but by this time my mind was racing 1,000 MPH and nothing I did would/could make it stop, I actually for awhile kept getting stuck in this loop in which one thought led to another but they were hardly related. Finally I decided maybe a muscle relaxer would help me to pass out so I got one from my aunt and waited......30, 40, 60 minutes later nothing so I went to see if there was anything better and was given a pill and advised to take only half if I was to have any chance of waking for work this morning(by this time it is 1030-11). I finally am able to mellow out a little after the second pill but it did take a good amount of time before I eventually passed out. Was groggy as hell when I got up for work but mad it through the day(although it seemed to last FOREVER!).

This would have to of been my first 100% BAD TRIP! I managed to laugh here and there but it never lasted long. In the end I have nobody else to blame but myself for what happened, and I believe this has in fact taught me to have much more respect for mushrooms. I am in no hurry to have a repeat performance and in fact will probably just stick to building my stash for awhile. Sorry for my horrible editing, english class was never one of my top priorities in school. LOL
It happens. Wait until the time is right. You will know.

I am under a hiatus as well....must deal with real life for a while. LOL

Take care,
