First Mushroom Grow!

Yeah what you guys are describing is about exactly what happened. Nice little body high, on the downside they kept me up all damn night! Was very surprised and can't wait to try a full dose!
Took these pics last night, hoping to be picking some either tonight after work or tomorrow afternoon. Seems like the mushies ate enjoying the warm weather as well, they have exploded inthe past couple days! I am going to attempt to dry them out as quickly as possible for the weekend, been collecting desiccant packs from work so drying should be quick.


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Well I finally got out to the woods this weekend with a decent dose of mushrooms and had a pretty good time! Only ended up with about 4 grams which provided a nice trip but could have taken another gram or two to fully get off. Still have more growing and will be starting a few more casings this week. From here on I will be updating less frequently as I figure this journal has served its purpose. Thanks for all that hung around and offered advice to get me through my first grow. Keep an eye out because I will probably be starting another when I move on to agar.
I think it's safe to say this jar is 100% colonized! Lol I have two others the same size that look the same, and nine others not far behind these. Lots of mushies on the way soon! Determined to get my casing down to a science!


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That spawn looks very strong. It will either take over a sub, or expand
to more grains, very well.

Good luck,

That spawn looks very strong. It will either take over a sub, or expand
to more grains, very well.

Good luck,


I was thinking about that, these are the jars I did my g2g with the last time. Will see how things go but the growth on this batch looks even better than the batch it came from. Lol
That is not surprising, as the number of inoculation points
(places from which growth will start) of a G2G inoculation
is very much more than an agar inoculation can do.

I recommend G2G spawn expansion most highly.

Ok so last night I had one of the most profound experiences on mushrooms. I chopped up roughly 6g of mushrooms and made a cup of tea which I have never done before. Long story short I have never tripped that hard on mushrooms, the closest I have ever been to being that fucked up was the first time I did acid. Things started off great, typical giggles etc. Watched trippy videos on YouTube for awhile and about an hour and a half in I decided to start watching fear and loathing in Las Vegas on my laptop. This was great for about 45 minutes when I decided to get up from the computer and walk around a bit. I nearly lost all conscious of reality and it honestly freaked me out a little bit. My guess is this was right around the time I was peeking because this only lasted for 30 minutes or so(felt like hours!). All in all it was a good ride but a very short one(only lasted about 3-4 hours)which I'm guessing was due to not finishing the bits in the bottom of my tea but I was honestly thankful. I have come away from the experience with a much greater respect for the mushroom and will be much more cautious in the future. Oh and I don't think I will ever look at fear and loathing in las Vegas the same again, that is fucked up movie to watch on shrooms. Lmao

Sorry for the rambles and poor editing, typing all of this from my phone.

I have been there. We are just sooooo much more sensitive
when on shrooms. So many films are a bad idea while tripping.

Think that the effects of "Avatar" might be cool on shrooms?

No, in that movie we are depicted as "Killing our Mother".

It will fuck you up too.

One needs a co-pilot to dive deep IME.....I find that even when
not tripping that I handle crises better when I am with others.
(I am usually the cool one....being alone, in bed, waiting to see
if the earthquake is going to be a bad one felt...harsher somehow)

Congrats on the deep dive. McKenna would call you heroic.

Ok so last night I had one of the most profound experiences on mushrooms. I chopped up roughly 6g of mushrooms and made a cup of tea which I have never done before. Long story short I have never tripped that hard on mushrooms, the closest I have ever been to being that fucked up was the first time I did acid. Things started off great, typical giggles etc. Watched trippy videos on YouTube for awhile and about an hour and a half in I decided to start watching fear and loathing in Las Vegas on my laptop. This was great for about 45 minutes when I decided to get up from the computer and walk around a bit. I nearly lost all conscious of reality and it honestly freaked me out a little bit. My guess is this was right around the time I was peeking because this only lasted for 30 minutes or so(felt like hours!). All in all it was a good ride but a very short one(only lasted about 3-4 hours)which I'm guessing was due to not finishing the bits in the bottom of my tea but I was honestly thankful. I have come away from the experience with a much greater respect for the mushroom and will be much more cautious in the future. Oh and I don't think I will ever look at fear and loathing in las Vegas the same again, that is fucked up movie to watch on shrooms. Lmao

Sorry for the rambles and poor editing, typing all of this from my phone.
That is how I was with "The Exorcist" when a group of us went to see that on mushrooms for the first time (well, they weren't mushrooms really, of course, just store bought mushrooms laced heavily with acid). We got written up in the local paper as the three guys who just couldn't stand the intensity of the movie and had to sit parts of it out at the lobby. Look at it now and you can see how laughably funny the effects are - but not then! Worst part was one of my buddies was laughing the whole time, THAT was really frightening.
My Brother is able to do these things...I cannot....he went to see
the Cronenberg film Videodrome in the theater, on acid. Wow! That would
be fucking insane.

(but not as fucked up as "The Exorcist" TBH)
Hey if you're starting a mushroom grow, and you're actually generally interested in it after that I strongly recommend making an account on the Shroomery forum. They have a great marketplace once you have enough posts on there, and many well trusted companies to buy any kind of spores you could want. All of the people on that forum are really helpful too.
I am a TC and a Mod there and can whole-heartedly second that opinion.

FWIW, the software that Ythan and the Admins have cooked up is a large
part of why that site works so well (tho a distant second to the size of the group).

Take care,

Been a few weeks and I thought I would throw out an update for anyone interested, if nothing else is serves as a good record for myself in the future. :-D I now have 3 fresh trays of cased spawn in my FC and they are all pinning wonderfully! I can't wait to see how they produced. My first casing I think in total I ended up with about 1/2Oz and was still producing when I put these ones in the FC but it appeared it was battling contamination and I was getting a lot of aborts so I threw it out. I still think I allowed my casings to sit a day or two longer than needed as once again I have a good amount of mycellium on the surface of my casing, but as I said they are pinning wonderfully!

Happy shrooming!


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Looking MUCH better than my first casing! The number of pins is crazy!


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