Well-Known Member
One of the reasons many have a hard time finding mushrooms is that the mushroom commands many to refrain from selling them. Lots of people are only allowed, at best to barter their crops. they do that for a very important reason - they don't want to visit hell.
When we go into the domain of the mushroom that mushroom has all the power. If we were told not to sell them then we may violate that command but we are best never ever taking a dose of them again. Lots of people don't want to bar the door to that sort of power, and so they don't talk about selling them.
But that is just a guess.
my issue is i didnt even say i was going to sell them, i said people who knew were already waving money in front of my face but i didnt want to sell them..i said maybe i will trade them for totes, popcorn, jars...things like that so i dont have to technically sell them but can get more supplies for my hobby...
then some dude PM me being a d bag about talking about selling them...i explained my case..he cont to be a d bag so then the D bag came out of me and i told him to piss off. then he contacted a mod and had my post deleted and had the mod say something...
screw that shit...i like RIU no one gets butt hurt over stupid shit..
plus on mycotopia you cant upload anything over 2mb and i have a canon rebel XS camera that takes min 3mb pics and thats rare and your probabally taking a pic of a white piece of paper to get that low of a file size from my camera.
so...i said screw them and took my journaling to strictly RIU, if anyone is that interested they can come visit me here.
sorry to jack your thread MJG420 im done with my rant..