First Order! from United States!?


Well-Known Member
You made more enemies being childish. I admit one guy was harsh...but the rest of us were just joking around...and you go and start saying stupid childish things. How do you get around in life with that kind of attitude?


Well-Known Member
yeah. i ment this site. I havent made any enemies and everyone has been real help if you got any question this is a good place to post your questions.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to be a dick, remember I was the first one to offer advice in this thread. I'm just really curious about this adrenaline rush you're talking about. That seems crazy, get into drag racing or something (my 2nd love, or is it 3rd?). As for growing pot, it's nothing to play around with. I smoke constantly and would spend $Gs a month. Worrying about the consequences of growing is NEVER fun. There are two reason to grow: for personal use or to make money which you say you have. So what I'm saying is the more I think about it, the more it seems like a bad idea for you. How would you even tell if you grew nice shit?


Well-Known Member
Good point mared.

On a different topic...if you come here with a happy attitude you'll get better results with answers...most people on here just like to have a laugh...we're a community, and pretty respectable one at if you need ANY help at all...just ask us...and we'll help you as much as possible, just don't get all mad if we joking around...we get cops in here asking dumb questions looking for easy we just naturally assumed you were one...most only leave 1 or 2 threads and then never seen from again.


Active Member
I'm not trying to be a dick, remember I was the first one to offer advice in this thread. I'm just really curious about this adrenaline rush you're talking about. That seems crazy, get into drag racing or something (my 2nd love, or is it 3rd?). As for growing pot, it's nothing to play around with. I smoke constantly and would spend $Gs a month. Worrying about the consequences of growing is NEVER fun. There are two reason to grow: for personal use or to make money which you say you have. So what I'm saying is the more I think about it, the more it seems like a bad idea for you. How would you even tell if you grew nice shit?
yea i dont smoke but ALL of my friends do, and they borow money from me whith i always dont take back, and if i give them a bunch of gras they will be the happy.


Active Member
Good point mared.

On a different topic...if you come here with a happy attitude you'll get better results with answers...most people on here just like to have a laugh...we're a community, and pretty respectable one at if you need ANY help at all...just ask us...and we'll help you as much as possible, just don't get all mad if we joking around...we get cops in here asking dumb questions looking for easy we just naturally assumed you were one...most only leave 1 or 2 threads and then never seen from again.
F@k the cops Im russian we hate them from the inside our soul. But thats fine i didnt get mad too. And maybe when i will start smoking:blsmoke: I'LL be jocking around too


Well-Known Member
Lol...i gues that's a good way to get them to stop borrowing money...:mrgreen:

Why not just give them the money to get a setup of there own..and then they won't EVER bother, i'm joking.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
F@k the cops Im russian we hate them from the inside our soul. But thats fine i didnt get mad too. And maybe when i will start smoking:blsmoke: I'LL be jocking around too
you should totally try it. you'll be jocking around in no time at all.


Active Member
you should totally try it. you'll be jocking around in no time at all.
Actually I tryed it 4 years ago, and i tryed coke too with me budies(i didnt get adicted to any if that), it was fun. but my father thought me to choose things and do things that will bennefit me and my family, over the things that i will enjoy. Thant why Im bored


Well-Known Member
Gez there you go again...just trying to make you feel more welcome.

Here's your answer from me...i don't order from sites...i'd say maybe talk to one of your friends about maybe getting clones from some1...they might know...they might not. Clones are easier to grow if there propely rooted before tansportation, and alot less time consuming.

If i was ever to order from a site I would go with dr.chronics, fairly good reviews with that site...but that's just me...there's planty of sites to look at and choose what best suites your needs. I'm sure there will be more people that can tell you where to go. Sorry i couldn't be of any REAL help.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
dude, humongous selection. anything you want. I got them 45 days ago. took five days shipping. at least read the laws and punishments for growing marijuana where you live. Here it is manufacturing and a felony.


Active Member
Gez there you go again...just trying to make you feel more welcome.

Here's your answer from me...i don't order from sites...i'd say maybe talk to one of your friends about maybe getting clones from some1...they might know...they might not. Clones are easier to grow if there propely rooted before tansportation, and alot less time consuming.

If i was ever to order from a site I would go with dr.chronics, fairly good reviews with that site...but that's just me...there's planty of sites to look at and choose what best suites your needs. I'm sure there will be more people that can tell you where to go. Sorry i couldn't be of any REAL help.
I dont know any body who is growing. I must go through web site first. But THanks.