First Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks. yeah its pretty good looking soil the holes are about 2 feet deep. i dont have any nutes yet i was going to go down to the local hydro store and see what they have or just buy something from home depot. do they sell osmocote at home depot or lowes?
and yeah thats a good idea to put something time release for the top layer of soil because we get a good amount of rain early in the season and i don't know how often i will actually have to water them. would miracle grow time release be good? what are some other time release brands?
It depends on what your budget is like and how much you are willing to spend. Something like Osmocote would work fine and can be picked up for under $10 at Lowes or Home Depot. Wal Mart might actually have it too. If you have a hydro store nearby it might be worth checking out and seeing what they have to offer. There are numerous quality brands out there. Fox Farms seems to be a pretty popular one. Personally, I'm a little paranoid about things like blood meal or fish meal outdoors. I'm worried they might attracted unwanted attention from critters. Who knows, just because they don't smell strong to the human noses, they might to other animals. That's just me though.

Ronald Dregan

Active Member
i have a really small budget right now, but in late veg and flower i will have a good amount of money to spend. so ill buy something cheap right now and get something better later on.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Theres usually at least a couple small bags of organic time release fertilizer kicking around at most garden shops. You can use osmocote but just know its a chemical fert and will work against the microbes in your soil instead of with them, you also would probably need to scrape off any of it's residue ontop of the soil if you plan on flushing before harvest. Your native soil looks very rich I would continue with straight water until they show you that they need more food. Personally I would just assume water in all fertilizer just for more precision but if your not checking in regularly a time release fertilizer may be more up your alley. Last and final thing is I strongly recommend you look into brewing a compost tea I think it would be the best bet in your situation, just my 2 cents.


Active Member
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does anyone have any idea how to make young plants grow short and bushy with thick stems like his are? i know it depends alot on genes and im only using bagseed, but is there some method to doing this? im thinking about LST but is there anything else i could try?

Ronald Dregan

Active Member
just make sure the lights are close enough to the plants so they dont stretch. if your using cfl's then you can get them really close.