First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)


Active Member
Correction on measurements! The auto measurements were from last night, and as it turns out, Faith is actually 5 inches tall now, not 4...Maybe her and Hope do still have a little potential...


Well-Known Member
Of course they all have potential, lol. You have to remember when growing from seed, you can't always tell which pheno's you are gonna get. So not all seeds from the same plant are gonna grow the same.


Active Member
I know it, its just that they were all so little, I figured I screwed em up transplanting. I did screw em up, just not as bad as I


Active Member

The first one is Hope and Faith, and the second is my beautiful princess Destiny.

I'm so happy, this is the first time I get to post bud porn of my own!


Active Member
The first and third pics are Lucky, she's 21 days into flower. The middle one is as yet un-named, because it remains unsexed. I do think I see female preflowers, but maybe I'm just being hopeful. That one is 11 days into flower.


Active Member
ok bro thanks ! good work i wanna hear a smoke report on those assassins when there done since i got 10 of them to grow soon when i get my light setup plan on growing 5 or 6 of them under a 400w hps/mh!!


Active Member
Thanks bill, ur such a gentleman LOL. Shit, I hope the pollen fairy doesn't get shot too...I'm almost done collecting! I will be in the next day or two.

Surge, U will for sure get a smoke review, my mouth waters every time I think about cutting and curing that little bitch Destiny!