Blackforest, thanks for some of the tweaking me a lot to think about.
Well, I did my evacuation today and the tube held 35.8g of material...a bit more than I thought. I broke the material apart with my fingers, and I removed the stems. I did my best to pack the material evenly, and I used 5 filters:
I was very VERY thankfull I put that bike grip on it...stainless conducts the cold fast, iced up wicked fast. I ran my extraction and the butane ran clear 2/3 of the way through the can...I finished out the can. I removed the material and analyzed it...It was still sticky. I could see what you were saying Fadedawg, it was clear that I didn't pack things as well as I could have. After letting it dry out, I decided to break the bud down a bit further and repack for a second run. I am glad that I did, plenty of color...the color a bit more on the green side...still amber, but I could tell it had a bit more green in it.
I added the second run to the first. After sitting in the warm water bath and completing most of the primary purging, I dumped in what amounted to just under a cup of alcohol. This is what I ended up is now in the freezer.
Couple things I think I should change. Purchase a grinder and try to finess a grind that will allow for better packing. Take more time packing evenly. Pack the tube to not pack all the way down to the exit. Try to perfect a single extraction....
I followed safety precautions, and I felt relatively confident in the process.