Well-Known Member
I was looking at this thread for the teas; be ok but again you need to study proper tea recipes as well. I have pretty much always used Fox Farm or Technaflora products so I don't really have any advice to offer on pro-mix or home made teas. I have no idea what a clone sells for I live in a police state as well. I was just curious because if I had a friend that wanted to grow and I had a mother plant or a nicely vegging plant I would just give them a few. I think it is not only our right to grow cannabis but a moral responsability to anyone who chooses to consume it's product. So I am always happy to increase our numbers.
I look at it as, he already did some of the hard work (rooting and what not) so I feel $20 is a fair price.
Yeah, it's ridiculous. It's a plant for christ sake! God put it on this earth for a reason lol.
What kind of issues? Or is it too early to tell yet? Not really worried, if something happens I can always start again and get another clone and make sure it hasn't been in 12/12 yet.Ya that could be an issue. She is going to have to revert back to vegging just don't over think it. Cannabis is extremely resilient.