First time DWC.

Hey everyone. its my first time doing a DWC setup. right now i have 2 babies going :). im going to be doing everything with CFL's. right now i have a 5 gallon bucket with a 6in basket. im only looking for 1-2 plants a grow enuff to last me a little. but i might be working with dwarf grows soon as come up with the extra money. right now i have a 6'' stone. and a pump. im using a 65w cfl bulb. ill try too get some pics up soon.
so far so good. i have everything going. its nice and quiet nice amount of bubbles. now the waiting. :) both seeds where just coming out when i put them in. so its gonna take a couple days for them to push out of the cube. i have the light about 6 inches from the top of the bucket. light is bright and it produces a little bit of heat in that area. im also using a heal shield light cone so its helping reflect the heat. okay any advice on what kind of nuts and other stuff im gonna need to invest in?
well would i need feeder tubes if i have the water just at the bottome of the net. i have that going as well as the airstone creating bubbles misting the rest of the basket and stones.


Active Member
you can do it either way, the feeder tubes just act as an insurance policy, IMO. They keep the rockwool moist, without drowning the plant, until the roots find their way down to the res...

Illegal Smile

You can very effectively keep your rockwool or whatever as wet as you want by adjusting either the water level or the bubble action (or both). Bubble action is preferable but requires more airstones and often a more robust air pump. The water pump and feeder tubes are nothing but a drip from below instead of from above.
you can do it either way, the feeder tubes just act as an insurance policy, IMO. They keep the rockwool moist, without drowning the plant, until the roots find their way down to the res...
well i literaly just put the seeds in the rock wool cubes 2 days ago. im just starting to see the crown of the shell now. so its growing im just hoping i can get the hang of things quick.


Active Member
It's a fun learning process!! Just be ready and prepared to make mistakes, read as much as you can bare, and you'll do fine. I'm still gettin the hang of it myself, but there's plenty of help to be had in RIU.