First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!


Well-Known Member
so...will it hurt the plants if they get an extended time of darkness in the middle of flowering?
How many hours are we talking here? I think you will be alright. I'd say throw them in the trunk of your car, but that might get to hot. I've never been in this situation so I'm not to sure.


Well-Known Member
well should i have the lights come on at 6 AM and turn them off at like 930AM for the ride home...then turn them back on at like 11 wen i got home...will that work? or should i just keep them off for the day?


Well-Known Member
I'm not too sure, but I'd say give them the light, then keep it dark..then give them light again. But that might be too much, maybe just a straight dark period would be better. I think either way you look at it, your not keeping to a regular fuck it.

Or keep them in the dark the whole time until you get home, then give them the light.


Well-Known Member
yea man...just let there be darkness the whole'll be less stressful on you and on the plants...they may revert back to vegg if you switch the lights off and on when there not ready to go to sleep..keep em off


Well-Known Member
yo wow...they are startin to make moves and biggest one grew into the bulb this morning...i have no more room to move the light up anymore! im gonna have2 draw something up real quick and hope my roommate gets up and leaves soon cuz i dont want my baby to burn...blah...i believe one IS showing its pistils now...ill get pics up a lil later...


Well-Known Member
yo wow...they are startin to make moves and biggest one grew into the bulb this morning...i have no more room to move the light up anymore! im gonna have2 draw something up real quick and hope my roommate gets up and leaves soon cuz i dont want my baby to burn...blah...i believe one IS showing its pistils now...ill get pics up a lil later...
LST my friend. grab the top n tie her down alil bit then as she adjusts n starts to face back towards thelight make it alil tigher, etc.. that will make her shorter, n give all the side growth light ;P


Well-Known Member
No tahts why you slowly start to do it, LOW STRESS TRAINING. Um you basically at first you dont pull it over too much , just avery lil kinda like ur plant is leanin. Then tie it. It will grow towards the light by the next day, each day tighten it. Heres a link:


Heres pics of mine :P

Sry bout the pics but here, first it the first day i tied her down ALITTLE bit, 2nd is how she bent by growing back towards the light, then the 3rd is this morning after i tied her down some more.



Well-Known Member
so you just tie it and drop the weight the opposite side of the light? ok that sounds good to me thanks man


Well-Known Member
so you just tie it and drop the weight the opposite side of the light? ok that sounds good to me thanks man
I provided a link that can explain it way better then I can :) but basically yes, at first dont tie her down too much. Just alil bit. Then when you notice she took well to it you can make it tighter.


Well-Known Member
Welp...its day number 5 and these damn things are growing like a motha fucka...watered em yesterday so thats prob why they seem to be perkin up a bit today...i had to start Spidey on LST today (thanks mmclean3) cuz i woke up and she was touchin the bulb...not a big deal tho...all fixed...hopefully she takes well to the LST tho...Pizzle looks awesome and is showing her lil hairs off lol, tried to get a pic of it but my camera blows...and Droopy still looks droopy, but i thnk may be are those pics bitches...

Spidey and her new LST routine...

She's not leaning too much, right?

Pizzle lookin fiiiiine...not sure if u can make out the hairs...stupid ass camera...

Pizzle again...

stupid Droopy lol

At 6 PM today the 36 hours of darkness begins for them...oh man...this is gonna be hard for me not to open the bin for that


Well-Known Member
added a new light to the top of the bin...good idea? i thought

its a tubed fluoro...found it layin around my house the other day so i figured why not...taped to the cover of the storage bin...


Well-Known Member
Welp...its day number 5 and these damn things are growing like a motha fucka...watered em yesterday so thats prob why they seem to be perkin up a bit today...i had to start Spidey on LST today (thanks mmclean3) cuz i woke up and she was touchin the bulb...not a big deal tho...all fixed...hopefully she takes well to the LST tho...Pizzle looks awesome and is showing her lil hairs off lol, tried to get a pic of it but my camera blows...and Droopy still looks droopy,

At 6 PM today the 36 hours of darkness begins for them...oh man...this is gonna be hard for me not to open the bin for that
Nope shes not leaning to far , good job. Hey have you been checking ur ph before watering your plants?


Active Member
Water mor often your soil is bone dry you want it to still be moist. Finally you put in that flouro light. for like twenty bucks you could get a double. You'll be surprised with the amount of growth it generates. I currently have Two double Cool white flouro, very cheap on utility and no heat.


Well-Known Member
goody,so we officially have girls:mrgreen:...nice touch with the floros any extra light will help can get very up close pics if you put your camera in macro mode and put a magnifying glass in front of your camera lens...your girls really love you:hug:


Well-Known Member
that they far...the move home is gonna be scary...idk if i can keep em in my house, no place i can thnk of stealth enuf! wat exactly is macro mode btw?