First time Grow- Closet/DWC 400w hps


Well-Known Member
Don't know if The pics will be as Epic as the title... Enjoy and give me feedback anything is helpful. The only real problem I've run into is I'm running out of room in the cab (had to move exhaust fan from inside to outside to make room) Any tips for stopping vertical growth on a plant that's already bushed out to take over all horizontal room??? also i bent some of the stems last night and this morning they where upright and budding so i tried it on a couple more to see if that'd help. I'm pretty sure main cola is finally done going vertical (fingers crossed).




Well-Known Member
Hey this first one's from the bottom front branch it's the only one that's really having any noticeable problems it's really kinda yellow as you can see. all of the tops are dark green and colored correctly but what I'm wondering is, Is the from lack of light or from completely stopping the grow nutrient {general hydroponics} when i hit flowering (nutrient deficiency) i thought it was maybe too much so i just diluted it a little yesterday. Please let me know what you think.

out of focus bud shot... sorry pics actually came out better on the cell.

Happy Canopy (no longer burning)

yall keep your eyes open and take care of yourselves.
p.s. and if you have a helpful tip, knowledge, idea, that would be useful by all means speak up!

Joe Schmoe

Active Member
Check your nutes. Seems like your lacking for their flowering state. Or possibly your pH. Don't take my word for it though, Im still Noobish not Jedi


Well-Known Member
They look really hungry to me dude. I can see the pH is right but I can't see the PPM in the photo.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, seen you post in banannas grow. How is that plant going in the pics? Did it develop anymore problems, or get any better? Hope all is well. You have a nice grow going on. Nice thick stems, looking good

Awesome looking bud development in the last pics you posted on page 6


Well-Known Member
The two lowest branches are still a little yellow, I'm pretty sure it's only from lack light. I just kind of slid them over to the side so they can at least get slightly more light. The tops are doing quite nicely I've been moving them around a little to vary where the light gets through b/c the canopy is so bleeding thick. (new Trich's popping up everyday I'm so excited!)


Well-Known Member
I think i've been flowering for like 7 weeks now, (strain-Afghan) it's taken her that long to spread the flowers all around i guess. but she's filling in nicely now it's crazy to watch! (first time with a
-for one plant she's really big
the cab is a little over 2ft wide and 4ft deep and since raising the roof it's over 6ft tall and she's pretty much using all the space she can. Enjoy the pics:-P!
Side Note, this sucks watching all this bud grow and having none for myself at the moment, (it'll be worth the wait) I think after i relocate again I'm going to institute a take a bud leave a bud Jar for rainy days.



--the tallest part from stalk, is 5ft


Joe Schmoe

Active Member
Damn Dude, just getting caught back with your grow. She is one helluva woman lol. How much water is she drinking a day?


Well-Known Member

I am growing some Afgan and it seems to be budding fast. I hope Its not a long flower, but then again, I do have other strains gonig, and I think my Afgan is a hermie.

Afgan is my fav bud!

I am on the same page as you. Watching all my buds grow, and not having anything for myself. I feel ya!


Well-Known Member

I am growing some Afgan and it seems to be budding fast. I hope Its not a long flower, but then again, I do have other strains gonig, and I think my Afgan is a hermie.

Afgan is my fav bud!

I am on the same page as you. Watching all my buds grow, and not having anything for myself. I feel ya!
Thanx Schmoe, she's using a gallon to a gallon and a half daily.-

I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to take that long but it's only in about half a tub! it had to be rigged a while back because it fell through the top (half weight/half poor planning) but anyway that's why the stalks are running completely horizontal at the bottom. lots more bud but since there's less room on the bottom regardless of how well it's doing on top its slowed is what my guess is. I'm just so happy with how she's doing all things set aside. New pics to come prolly monday