First Time Grow, Help a Newbie


Active Member
Set up:

Small growbox, 2x 23w cfl, 1x 11w cfl

I recently bought x4 northern lights auto, x1 mazar auto, and a random seed I found at the bottom of an 1/8th bag. I didn't research as well as I should of done, and buried the seeds roughly an inch into the compost, I didn't know you had to point the sharp end upwards so a lot of the roots retarded. the mazar's root grew upwards and actually broke the surface, when I tried to replant it the taproot broke off. One of the auto northern lights failed to germinate, even after I tried the wet tissue method. The other northern lights that germinated have broken the surface and look to be sprouting half decently, although maybe a bit small. The random seed stretched out a bit and and hasn't really grown any foliage after nearly 3 weeks. I've just bought a 250w CFL (plan on upgrading to a 600w hps eventually) and 10x critical auto seeds. I want to get a decent grow out of this one, so who can give any tips, apart from not repeat the mistakes I already made :sad:.. thanks guys


New Member
Ok, first thing you ant to do is move them out of the clear plastic cups, newly developing roots need to be kept away from any light, actually all roots do. Secondly when you transplant put some perlite in the mix, this will help them drain, and retain moisture and act as a buffer to lower the amount of nutes they are getting from the compost. I believe that is what is causing the yellowing of the one. I would suggest at least 3:1 compost/perlite ratio. Check the ph level of the medium, water, and run off water. Should be around 6.5-6.8 or so. Also, seedlings require a lot of humidity I would say about 50-60% should be ok. Lastly I suggest reading and studying the stickies and other threads on this forum. A ton of great info is to be had. After you spen some time doing this you will have the answers to a lot of your questions. And then the trolls won't harrass you for posting threads that are so vague.

Good Luck and +rep for joining the ranks of cannabis farmers!


New Member
Oh yeah, and the stretched out one can be buried in some more medium to help curtail that issue. And don't be afraid to move them closer to the lights as well. I have never done an auto run yet. Been doing a lot of research on one for my next grow. You picked a great one, the NL from Nirvana. Looks like an awesome yielder for an auto. I am gonna sub this and watch your progress.


Well-Known Member
dont transplant into new cups, place duct tape, put cup in colored cup or something, you,ve stress em enough for little while.....peace


Active Member
can only second whats already been suggested, if i'd spent 4 weeks reading round here before i started my first grow i'd maybe not of wasted 4-5 months on a poor yielding grow. i'm on my second grow and one plant of the three i'm doing this time will yield more than the 14 i started with on my last grow.

i get ur playing the percentages by starting with more plants, but be aware of the space, you'll get more off 2 well spaced well tended to plants than 4 cramped up, plus its less risk.


Active Member
Ive been putting a few drops of babybio (a low nutrient NPK mix 10.6:4.4:1.7) every time I watered, is this overkill at this stage?


Active Member
the darker ther green on ur leaves = a more happily fed plant. i dont feed till week 4-6, start off in a potting soil then transplant to a full mix and usually week after transplant is start feeding time.

if you've picked the line of nutes your using there's usually a chart online or a ur grow shop as to what goes in when and how much etc. personally i use a bottle A+ bottle B and then ammend the pH, i've not tried using any booster nutes or anything can't vouch for them but have heard some bad things bout em


New Member
Personally I grow in FF Happy Frog soil. Like the previous poster, I never add any nutes until 3 weeks after I transfer into their finishing medium which in my case is a 3 gal grow bag. The soil has more than enough nutes to last until then. And even then I only start with 1/2 dose of my regimen for the first couple of feedings.

I have never used another medium. So, I am unsure of the nutes that are in your compost. But since it looks like your girls are in 100% medium with no perlite or anything. I would think you have plenty of shit (forgive the pun LOL!) in there already.

Please do yourself a favor and take the final suggestion I gave in my 1st reply. Read, study, learn, and plan. Most of us like myself do not mind helping new growers. That is one of the main reasons I spend so much time on the forum, aside from learnng myself. But no one is going to take you by the hand and walk you through your whole grow. You need to learn for yourself. When you have spent some time learning then you will be able to ask specific questions about your successful grow, I promise.

Please do not take that offensively. It was mant in the spirit of helpfulness. I do not mind being asked questions and helping. Good Luck!


Active Member

moved them under the big 250w CFL now. I read about and it seems 6" away from the plants is a decent amount, that bottle is about 6" tall for reference


Active Member

some pics i took today, now got 7 little plants under the 250w CFL. ordered a 400/600 switchable dual spectrum setup which will take over from next week. got a few more seeds germinating in my little growbox. going for 12 plants under the 400w/600w for flowered, a bit optimistic?


New Member
I am thnking that will not be enough light for that big of a grow. But then again I only ever grew 2 at a time. Check with the farmers on the 600 club thread.


Active Member
edges of leaves are curling up a bit, could this be because of too much heat? its weird because its not that warm against the back of my hand