First time grow using cfl


ill be posting more pics saturday and ill add a few closeups do you can see the trics, I cant wait for final weigh in either !!!! still 4 more weeks !!![/url oh i bet you cant wait, look forward to your pics, well that you 4 wks ahead of me then, its a long progress but i just know its gonna be worth all the wait


2nd day in flower, just love seeing them come to life in the mornings, just hoping these lights work, got few smaller cfls coming to hang round the sides of these babies,



yeah bound too man, let us know how it all turns out.
i'll keep it all updated on here bud, rite to very end, even tell you how good it tastes wen i first smoke it up, cfl veg, 100% definately the way to go tho, watch this space for the flowering aspect


yea thx very much for that pal, im wanting better results than that thom think im gonna change to a 600-1000w hid for flowering, results im getting in veg with the cfl is amazing tho, never seen plants starting so good and healthy, thanks once again
Changed mind about changing the lights, cfls all the way


Well-Known Member
These are a couple pics from my all CFL indoor bagseed closet soil all organic grow

The only problem I found with CFL's for me is the "popcorn" buds


allen bud

Active Member
looking also brothers!!nice bush's! yea been along time from last i had any proper cheese!!mmmm 2 more weeks maybe 3 for that!cant wait .peace to you ...