First time grow


Active Member
So I started my first grow a couple of weeks back, and now after getting my cam back I decided to start a journal.

First of all, about my setup;

My growroom is a 50cm x 60cm (base) and 110cm high closet.
I got a normal tablefan with some alterations (read: bashing the plastic case with a hammer) as ventilation, which is drawing air from a frozen 1,5l waterbottle.
My babies have been planted into a cardboard box filled with soil, there are 6 of 'em in there. And yea I know that's a bit too much. 3 from random seeds, 3 Jack Herers which are a few days younger than the randoms.
For co2 I have a 2l waterbottle filled with a mixture of yeast, sugar and water.
And last but not least, for lighting I have a 400W HPS.

Onwards my brothers!

Now going on day 17, here's a pic of my setup and a closer one from my babies.

And dem babies;

What do you think? In my opinion nothing's going horribly wrong (yet) :mrgreen:


Active Member
Looks good so far!

I'm curious how well that frozen water bottle works. I'll have to give that a try.

Well before I started using that frozen bottle I had temperatures between 30-32 celsius, and after it has dropped to around 27-28, so working pretty well so far.


Active Member
I think I fucked up my plants, repotted them into their own pots but don't know how much damage I did to the roots, I'm really afraid now :(


looks a little bit like you have some heat issues, seeing the puppy skin on the leaves. I've broken roots and they've just grown back with more.


Active Member
looks a little bit like you have some heat issues, seeing the puppy skin on the leaves. I've broken roots and they've just grown back with more.
Aye I know about the heat, fighting a tough battle with too small cabinet + too strong lighting.
Hope my roots recover as well, scared the heck out of me at first.
And by the way does "puppyskin" mean the wrinkling?


Active Member
Ok picture of the changed setup and closer pics out of the closet from 4 of the babies, 3 first ones are randoms (if anyone can recognize the breed I'd appreciate it), and the last one is Jack Herer.




Active Member
Changed my whole greenroom, realized the size of the cabinet just wasn't sufficient, gonna add pics later on today.


Active Member
Little update on the babies, now they've survived repotting and changing their growroom, feisty little things!

Day 25 for the bigger ones, day "no idea" for the smaller.

First and seconds pics are from one of the bigger plants, haven't got a clue of the strain 'cos it's just some random seeds, third pic is from one of my wee babies, Jack Herer.

