First time help needed


Active Member
This is my first grow. Its a closet grow. Plant is a little over a month old and has 12 nodes and is 16 inches tall. Some of my leafs are very full and lushish while a couple of them are very thin. The past week i have noticed some of my leaves folding downwards but they are still very green. I need help not sure why leaves are beginning to fold downwards. Any advice from anyone will help!


Active Member
This is my first grow. Its a closet grow. Plant is a little over a month old and has 12 nodes and is 16 inches tall. Some of my leafs are very full and lushish while a couple of them are very thin. The past week i have noticed some of my leaves folding downwards but they are still very green. I need help not sure why leaves are beginning to fold downwards. Any advice from anyone will help!
sounds to me like your over watering. let the pots dry up and leafs raise up before you water again
Good Luck on the grow!


Well-Known Member
Do you mean they're closing together downward or just drooping? It could be many reasons eaither way. If they're folding toger downward it could be underwatering or lack of air circulation. If they're drooping overwatering is the most likely cause. Are you letting your pots dry out between waterings or keeping it damp all the time?


Active Member
Thankyou. Also im using fluros for my lighting right now. I am currently using a 65 watt bulb. I know as the plant get bigger though light has a tough time reaching other parts of the plant. Should i upgrade to a higher fluro say like an 80 watt bulb or use 2: 40 watt bulbs?


Well-Known Member
add more lights, 80 40 watt whatever the more you add the more light your plant gets.
Put one or two on each side of the plant too and run a fan for circulation. Droopy leaves can be caused by many different things.

Alot of times when the plant is ready to flower it will start killing its lower leaves and focusing on preparing to flower. Overwatering can
cause droopy leaves just as much as under watering... make sure the soil is dry 2 inches deep before watering it again.

You deff need more light though man... especially when you go into flowering. Just go by what your eyes see,

if you can afford a hps light for flowering get one. If you cant just make sure light is making it to your plants stem at the bottom with no shadowing


Active Member
Thanks. I put in a 100 watt light and over the past couple days my plant has been growing like crazy. The leaves have also started to get bigger. Leaves are no longer rolling down like tacos but they are still wilting down. Have not watered in a week and the pot is still moist. Any suggestions?