First time indoor growing!


Hi everyone,
This is my first time growing and I'm kind of nervous all the time :D What I'm afraid of is: 1: the light is either too close or too far away from the plants. 2: That the setup isn't okay in some way 3: That the the plants need more or less water.
I noticed that one of the plants two leaves is growing downwards and isn't stretched out. Overall question: Does it look alright? Btw - it's Sensi seeds skunk #1. I am giving them 24/24 light. There is only two plants.
Here's the pictures so far!!! DAY 3!!!:



Well-Known Member
They are fine for now. Once they get some real leaves, you will light right on them. You will need more light and get reflectors.

You need to add perlite to your soil. I would also have them in a solo cup this early.

Let them dry out well. Easier to overwater than underwater. Will prob be about every four days for now.

Get some air circulating. A light breeze keeps the stems strong.

Good luck.


IMG_1806.jpgIMG_1807.jpgIMG_1808.jpgIMG_1810.jpgIMG_1811.jpgThis is how they look after 4 days. I'll try to upload pictures once in a while. Alright, thanks a bunch GrowinDad. I should probably water them less then. Is it okay to put them together in a solo pot at this stage or will it hurt the plants? If I do that should I then mix the the new pot's soil with perlite? For the record, I don't have any nutrients, will that be a problem? There's a lot of questions, but I'm a total noob. Thanks for the reply GrowinDad!


Active Member
I am giving them 24/24 light.
Is this 24h with lights on followed by 24h with lights off?

If you have perlite be sure to add some to the soil when you transplant them. Nutrients can be found anywhere, check your local gardening store.

Good luck with your grow! :weed:


Well-Known Member
One plant per solo cup. poke holes in the bottom for drainage. I use MG seed starter and add about 30% perlite. The nice thing then is that when the soil dries and starts to pull away from the cup, it is time to water. Plus you can chechk the roots. When they filling the bottom and sides, time to put into a larger pot. I use 3 gal.

I also put about 1 inch of perlite at the bottom of my pots.


Md97, I am having lights on all the time. I read that it doesn't make that big a difference from 18 hours light and 6 dark. I have got something very similar to perlite called lecanuts. Today I got some 5-1-4 nutrients. Will that work for vegging time?


GrowinDad, I have bought two new pots with 8 holes in the bottom. That should work right? Good to know about the roots! Should I transplant now or is it too soon? I just hope the plants can survive without perlite until transplant.



  • Well, it grows in height, but the leaves is not stretching out,they are bent over which I think isn't a good sign. As you see I have bought two new bigger and better pots with holes in the bottom. When I transplantI will mix the soil with perlite. As you can see on picture 4 and 5 the pots that I am using right now are very small - maybe too small? The height of the plants are now as high as the stems...​

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treegoesmoo, yeah I know, but I got told that the lamp shouldn't be closer when there aren't really any leaves yet. its about 120W, I have one extra 120W when the leaves grow bigger and I will probably buy 1 or 2 more.


Active Member
But treegoesmoo,do you use a tent or a closet? Is it really needed? I havent got anything like that.
i use a sterlite cabinet. and im using 150w hps right now, but struggling with temps cause it stays around 85f~ and if i cant get it down with an extra fan, i might have to switch to maybe two 65w cfl? and as for your plants, its still my first grow but from what i've learned, it looks like its stretching a lot right now. are you using the right spectrum of ligt 5500-6500k for your veg?


Alright that sounds good. Mine is around 75-80 f which I think is okay. Yeah maybe thats a good option. I actually read that if the light isn't okay then the stem will grow long just like on my pictures. DAMN!


On the box of my light it says 150w=2300 lumen. That means I need one or two more lights to get up to 5-6000 right?


Active Member
On the box of my light it says 150w=2300 lumen. That means I need one or two more lights to get up to 5-6000 right?
no i dont think it works that way o.o lol. on your box there should be a kelvin? rating. think thats what the 6500"k" is for. which means if its gonna be soft white, cool white, day time etc what have you. So for veg i think its daytime? usually theres gonna be something like 2700k 6500k or something like that and there will be an indicator where yours is at. For me i, i'd go for a mixed spectrum, im doing an autoflower so my schedules gonna be 18/6 the whole way for saving moneys sake. and im gonna go with my 150w hps and a 23w 6500k cfl if i can bring the heat down. if not i'll just go with two 65w cfls or something like that. one would be 2700k rated and the other would be maybe 5500k or 6500k. ya dig? sorry man im trippin right now so not best explanation.


:( I am so confused. I can't find any place on the box which says a number and k behind it. It only says lumen.. How much is a 150w hps? Oh and how close are the lights to your plants? How many days are you inside the veg? IMG_1823.jpgIMG_1824.jpgIMG_1825.jpgIMG_1826.jpgIMG_1827.jpg


Active Member
right there it says 2700k warm white. you need 6500k daytime on the second to last picture. and i just germed my plant. still waiting for it to sprout lol. and my 150w hps was i think 70 USD on amazon. puts out a lot of heat cause mine is ballast all in one. mostly hps is for flowering and mh is for veg i believe. but if you can only afford one get the hps b/c you can use hps for veg/flower just add supplemental cfls or what not


Active Member
im too lazy to search for a link, but if you were wondering, from what i know, mh/daylight whatever induces bushy veg and what not. and then put up daytime or hps lights for flowering stage. all relevant to imitating the suns light schedule. and what strain are you growing? do you plan to do 24/0 all the way till you flip to 12/12?