First time indoors, All CFL, Bubble Coner, DWC!!!!


Active Member
So here i go for my journalbongsmilie

I got 8 100 watt equiv. cfls. i made a bubble cloner, and i bought a closet from home depot. i hooked it all up and i had crazy heat issues as well as low humidity. so made another trip to the depot, got a bathroom fan. and stole my wifeys humidifier(she made me buy her a new one...:-?) so now it stays at like 80 degrees and 55% humidity.

All together i think i have invested about $300. not too bad to not have to buy weed anymore... i tried to use mostly stuff around the house.
i took two clones off my outdoor mother(early misty). i only took two so if they die i can still start over.

any suggestions?



Well-Known Member
Setup looks pretty cool man, Hope if works out for ya !!!

If I can make one suggestion... your going to need to get those lights quite a bit closer to the plants/clones inorder to take full advantage of the CFL's they don't penetrate that far but then again I'm sure you know all this :)

Good luck, i'll be watching this one !!


Well-Known Member
How long ago did you take the clones ? Did you use a cloneing solution ? DId you clone to rockwool wait for roots and then put in your DWC ? just trying to gather some info so I or someone else can help !

I wouldn't worry about it too much man, they have to get some roots grown and what not before they can take off..



Active Member
thanks tdot. i put em closer. i can use all the help i can get thats why im here. i think the fan i had on them made them fall over so i turned it off and stood them back up... they look like this now.



Active Member
i read on here somewhere to just put them in water. i didnt use any rockwool or solution. just cut them and stick them in water. i have 2 airstones in distilled water. do i need to put any nutes?


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm a soil guy myself however I have been looking into DWC so I've done some research. I might suggest taking a look at Wolfman_Zen's thread hes got DWC and I believe some clones (however I could be wrong on the clones). As for the way you cloned. I do suppose it could work, however in all honesty everything I've ever seen on it has been different. Generally the way I'd go about it would be to cut right above a node not leaving too much (your clones are rather large but not huge from what I see) then dip the end which was cut on a roughly 45 degree angle in some cloneing gel or powder ( you can get these at Walmart,home depot, hydro stores, etc.. for like 5 bucks) then from there into usually something like rockwool or coco fibers and allow it to grow some roots. Without roots it'll never go anywhere !! Another thing clones need/love is higher humidity. So I'm sure you've seen clones placed in a humidity dome. Honestly man, I think your best bet is to read like a mofo about clones and within an hr or two you'll have the ideas down with no trouble. Even check out Youtube for Cloning Marijuana, you'll get some hits... I hope this helps you man.. If i can do more I'll try..

Good luck,


Active Member
thanks for the help. im kinda wondering now if this will work. if not ill get some rockwool, netpots and start over.


Well-Known Member
Right on man, thats what its all about in this game. Trial and Error till you dial in it and then enjoy the fruits of your labour. I'm currently trying to make a "ghetto" home-made DWC.. I'm in the process of turning a water bottle into a net pot and I'm going to use Crushed Lava Rock as my substrate... Check out my journal as maybe tehre is some info that could help you. I'm also going to post a new thread later on either tonight or tomorrow about my DIY DWC, so i'll let ya know when thats ready..

One last thing about your grow.. Fans are always a good thing to help with temperature and just fresh air flow in general. If you can keep the fan goin but not have it on the clones at such a high speed it might help as well.
