First time making cannabutter advice needed please


Hi guys and gal's it's my first time making cannabutter. I have a oz of not the best bud and a half ounce of small bud but better quality. Do I have to decarbe the weed first because I've watched a few videos and they didn't decarbe it they just left it in the butter for 3 to 4 hour's. I'm a newbie grower long time smoker. Any help will be much appreciated thanks in advance.
Decarb at 250f (120c) for 30 minutes.
Mix your plant material with equal parts butter or coconut oil and water in an easy to strain container (I use a bacon grease strainer)
Put your container with the mix in a crockpot or rice cooker.
Boil the water the containers in for 4+hours. Strain, refigerate then once it’s solid poke a hole and drain out the excess water.

Sublic if you want the best quality cannabutter that you can make without much experience buy an Ardent to decarb your bud, and a Magical Butter Machine to make your butter, coconut oil, or alcohol tincture.

Simple and you're not experimenting with expensive bud.

Decarb at 250f (120c) for 30 minutes.
Mix your plant material with equal parts butter or coconut oil and water in an easy to strain container (I use a bacon grease strainer)
Put your container with the mix in a crockpot or rice cooker.
Boil the water the containers in for 4+hours. Strain, refigerate then once it’s solid poke a hole and drain out the excess water.
Thanks bro I really appreciate all your help and advice your way seems to be the best way to go again thanks for your help and time .

Sublic if you want the best quality cannabutter that you can make without much experience buy an Ardent to decarb your bud, and a Magical Butter Machine to make your butter, coconut oil, or alcohol tincture.

Simple and you're not experimenting with expensive bud.

Thanks so much for the reply much appreciated my friend.
Mate i just looked up the machines you recommended but this time round I'll be doing it the old fashion way but sumtin to get for the future make life easier cheers
The magic butter machine is great but as you pointed out not necessarily. Equal results can be had using a pot on the stove or a crackpot. For the time being you can follow the recipes from the Magic Butter website to get your volumes and template right. The longer you put heat to it the stronger the end product will be. Just know that as you heat it longer the cannabis flavor will be stronger too and the color of the end product darker. I do two 2hr cycles in the magic butter machine. Definitely decarboxylate prior to extraction as others have pointed out.
The magic butter machine is great but as you pointed out not necessarily. Equal results can be had using a pot on the stove or a crackpot. For the time being you can follow the recipes from the Magic Butter website to get your volumes and template right. The longer you put heat to it the stronger the end product will be. Just know that as you heat it longer the cannabis flavor will be stronger too and the color of the end product darker. I do two 2hr cycles in the magic butter machine. Definitely decarboxylate prior to extraction as others have pointed out.
Thanks yeah that's the route I'm going decarb first then follow the the instructions and leave it in for 4 hours. Thanks for the help and your time
Thanks yeah that's the route I'm going decarb first then follow the the instructions and leave it in for 4 hours. Thanks for the help and your time
No problem. One other quick thought. Use more butter than you want for the end product. In the batch I made today I started with 10 stick in (5 cups) of butter. After loosing some to after clarifying the butter ( good idea) and l the weed absorbing some I ended up with 6 sticks (3 cups) of finished product.
Do yourself a favor and clarify the butter first.
220° for 30 minutes is good advice.
Don’t need four hours if decarbed. 90 mins will do.
Also use best bud. You’ll get less vegetal weed taste.
One ounce weed for 1lb butter if the weed is good will be plenty potent.
Do yourself a favor and clarify the butter first.
220° for 30 minutes is good advice.
Don’t need four hours if decarbed. 90 mins will do.
Also use best bud. You’ll get less vegetal weed taste.
One ounce weed for 1lb butter if the weed is good will be plenty potent.
Thanks mate yeah I was reading up and after decarbed I'll just give it the 90 mins and I'll clarify the butter first cheers my friend had a great weekend.
No problem. One other quick thought. Use more butter than you want for the end product. In the batch I made today I started with 10 stick in (5 cups) of butter. After loosing some to after clarifying the butter ( good idea) and l the weed absorbing some I ended up with 6 sticks (3 cups) of finished product.
Thanks for your reply and help it's really appreciated.
I just like to say thanks to everyone that helped me out with great knowledge. This is a great site for help and advice
You might consider using coconut oil instead of butter.
I'll have to look into the coconut oil but for my first time I'm going with what I have a fair idea. Is there any benefits over butter .