first timer 20,40 days old,few Q to ask


Well-Known Member
hey all

long story short

i strated with one seed ..after 2 weeks iv germinated another 2, so the first one got a headstart..i'm growin in a small box about 38inch x 23inch, u can say i have a space problem+i wanna start flowering the first one ,but i cant coz the other 2 still do i have to build another box ,should i wait and keep topping the first one??

and i was woundring about the color diff between the 1st and 2nd one

any be thankful :blsmoke:



Active Member
I recently ran into the same situation. To remedy it, I topped off my older plant which stunted its growth for the ~2 weeks the other plants needed to catch up.


Active Member
i dont know much about colors but check to see if there are any pollen sacks by the main side stems and shit.


Well-Known Member
You could move the one you want to flower into a pitch black room for 12 hours a day, preferably at night. 9-9 works great for me. Just adjust it to your availability. Once it starts to flower, you can slack a little on the punctuality.
It's a little hassle, but hey, it works. Good exercise.