First timer, Aerogarden Grow journal.


Well-Known Member
last thing you want is to be carrying a thin-ass tray of delicate-ass plants around your bathroom.

bottle works much better :) Or sink, whatever....same deal


Well-Known Member
last thing you want is to be carrying a thin-ass tray of delicate-ass plants around your bathroom.

bottle works much better :) Or sink, whatever....same deal
They're really not that delicate, they are quite rigorous plants. As long as you're not banging them around or tipping them over, there won't be problems.

All in all, it's up to you. Whatever you feel comfortable with.


Well-Known Member
true true, but we all know how stoners are :)

heck, i can't even get a cup of water downstairs sometimes, without drenching each and every step on the way down...


Well-Known Member
true true, but we all know how stoners are :)

heck, i can't even get a cup of water downstairs sometimes, without drenching each and every step on the way down...
Hahaha! I know what you mean. I usually spill some on the way to my closet.


Active Member
Yea, reason i syphoned was of where my aerogarden is located and its full of water. Sometimes i stub my toe when walking with stuff. So i don't want to be carrying it to the sink and accidentaly drop the thing!

Day 8! She has grown alittle bit. The second set have grown alot larger since day 7. Temps are down quite abit more. Hovering around 82ish, since turning AC down. Looked into the res, see a bunch more roots developing.



Well-Known Member
Yea, reason i syphoned was of where my aerogarden is located and its full of water. Sometimes i stub my toe when walking with stuff. So i don't want to be carrying it to the sink and accidentaly drop the thing!

Day 8! She has grown alittle bit. The second set have grown alot larger since day 7. Temps are down quite abit more. Hovering around 82ish, since turning AC down. Looked into the res, see a bunch more roots developing.
It's getting exciting already, isn't it?


Active Member
Day 9 , Not much to report. Can see the side leave starting now which is cool to see. But steady as she goes!

Yea fox, it really is fun coming home from work and checking up on it. I come home, check water level and pH level. Take some pics and report :>



Well-Known Member
Day 9 , Not much to report. Can see the side leave starting now which is cool to see. But steady as she goes!

Yea fox, it really is fun coming home from work and checking up on it. I come home, check water level and pH level. Take some pics and report :>
HAHAHA, that's the same thing I do. I come home, check on the buds, top off the res, get on the forums, check on the plants, clean a little, check on the plants, play a game, check on the plants, watch a movie, check on the plants, go to bed. HAHAHAHA!!!!:weed:


Active Member
yea ive changed my water already and even tho it wasent fun, it wasent much trouble ether. i covered my sink with foil wrap so my roots wouldnt sit in my sink and catch some kinda desses from it and just sat my AG top on it with the roots hangin.

Yesterday i moved my AG into my closet with my other plants because i didnt wanna have it sittin int he kitchen any more. But now that means that they are under 18/6, witch i know is what im gonna put them under for veg but im questionin weather i put them inn there to early? their still what ud consider seedlings and i wanted to keep them on 24h light or preferly 20/4 but that i know i cant do cuz i dont have a plave to put it and give it total darkness for 4 hours. i hope the 18/6 does not slow them down to much.


Active Member
Right now i am at 10 days of 20/4 light frame. It seems to be doing fine for me. I plan to change to a 18/6 for energy purposes at my second week.

But i have a auto flower which blooms at 12/12 or 24/0/ 20/4 18/6. etc etc.

I think you will be fine. Long as you have no light leaks i guess if yours is not a auto flower.

Are you trying out simple hydro since you're other plants are indoor soil?

I only did a autoflower because i have never really grown anything before. So i wanted to Test the waters so to speak. I have some other seed types i will try later.

Go through fox's thread or Shacklefords's. They have some great advice.


Active Member
Day 10, small update. Plant seems to be doing fine. Coming home to a sweet smell in my room. Not sure if this is the plant or maybe fans that been running awhile? I personaly have never smelled a MJ plant before. I have a carbon filter set up , i hope its working. I Seem to have made it well.,maybe not. :P

Couple pics for the night. Enjoy.



Well-Known Member
very nice :)

Mine only started to smell 4 weeks in, but there WAS a faint hint of "oh yeah, i'm growin MJ in my room...." all throughout :D

What strain you got?


Active Member
Ganja Dwarf / lowryder, Dont know to much about it. Other than its a auto flower and it was cheap for 10 seeds :> plus 20 free random other seeds. Guess those freebe's are just left over stuff i guess?


Well-Known Member
haha i remember when i grew in my room at parents house and i could smell my plants all the way down the hall.


Active Member
I don't need to worry about anyone in "MY House " :> Its just that i was just trying to mask as much as possible. For my filter i have to push air through rather then pull. I went at checked my carbon filter today and noticed some back draft coming off the sides of the can-fan. Like its leaking out where the two sides connect. I taped the sides up to hopefully solve that problem. But air finds another spot to rush out. I might have to build me another cabinet come next time. Somthing a bit taller to solve this problem.


Active Member
Day 11 , I am coming home to a sweet smell. Not good. maybe i will have to remake my filter. I cant see why its not working. I made it to within the dimensions for my can-fan. It pushes somewhere in the 170ish CFM's , plus my other fan blowing from inside the cabinet through my small duct. Should be more than enough to push it through. The filter itself is like 10 and a half inches. But stands a good 11 and a half inch's. Wonder if i should add the duct to the exhaust part and run it into the filter. Rather then can-fan to filter. If you get what i am typing :P

My Camera took some LSD for one shot. Enjoy.



Active Member
Thats one of my problems. I have to push it. No room inside the box to pull it through. I am afraid i will have a height factor if i do that. But Maybe i'll just have to LST like crazy. I mean at 11 days it seems way short for a plant. Ah we'll see. I'll over come this obsticle.


Well-Known Member
Thats one of my problems. I have to push it. No room inside the box to pull it through. I am afraid i will have a height factor if i do that. But Maybe i'll just have to LST like crazy. I mean at 11 days it seems way short for a plant. Ah we'll see. I'll over come this obsticle.
That's your problem. You have to suck the air through the filter for it to get the full filtering effect.