First timer, Aerogarden Grow journal.


Well-Known Member
I mean at 11 days it seems way short for a plant
growth is always slow at the beginning, especially since there aren't any Nutes yet. Trust me, once you add the Nutes, you'll see serious growth...

plus, you got a dwarf/lowryder strain, so it'll be smaller anyway :p


Active Member
Day 12, abit of a problem. Looks to be like the leaf have gotten sun burnt. I have added a few bigger lights, 2700 kelvin lights and they are 44 watts each with my other 2 bulbs. I took out my other lights to see what effect i have now. Doesnt seem to be NUTE burn. I did add VERY VERY little of grow/micro/bloom. All equal quantities. But it doesnt seem to be nute burn. At least thats what my newbie diagnoses is. Lets see what happens in 24 hours.

Damn i really didnt want to stress the plant out. It burned the little guys but it grew alot more adding in those extra lumens. And flowering type 2700 lights. I figured i could mix the 2 types since it is a autoflower. Get a full spectrum going.

Any suggestions are welcomed as well.

Also solved my smell some. Got a small air purifier into my closet where my Carbon filter, filters into. Plus i ordered some ONA and its on the way.



Well-Known Member
Like you said, let's give it another 24 hrs so we can really see what's going on. It's a little hard to diagnose right now.

Good idea on getting a full spectrum growing, that should help out a lot.

Sounds good on the smell, glad you got it figured out.

Talk to ya later.



Active Member
Ganja / lowryder , First time trying and wanted something easy to grow. Just to learn the ropes :>

Also i put it into 18/6 lighting stage. Read its a happy medium plus it will save some $$$.


Well-Known Member
definitely 18/6. Not only is it better in terms of heat/$$, but (the word around here) is that roots grow mostly at night, so having some night-time will get your plant nice and sexy :)


Active Member
Day 13,

Before i went to bed last night i added just regular ole plain water. pH balanced of course. I am sitting at 5.7 to 6.0 pH around in that area. It seems as it has gotten worse and it is traveling up the tip, not along the sides like i seen in other pictures. The tempatures are never exceeding 85. I woke up to find the grow cab at 81 this morning. The lights are well spaced away from them now. So i don't think its burning them.

The rest of the plant looks wonderful. Very green and healthy looking at least in my eyes.

I plan on changing out the res tomorrow so i am wondering to let it sit in there another day.

Any thoughts and suggestions are listened too.




Well-Known Member
I'd say to stick with plain water for a few days, see if the burn clears up... at least that way, you can tell if its nute-burn or not


Active Member
Day 13 still.

Opened up the res after my 6 hour night cycle to find my 2 bottom leaves are worse than when i saw my plant this morning. Full res change. Hopefully it will flush it for this week. And maybe i can use nutes back on my 3rd week.

updated 2 pics of bottom.



Active Member
Day 15

Bottom leaves are gettign worse but seem to be holding steady. Newer leaves are coming in a lighter yellow/green now. They have been on straight water for over 24 hours now. Keeping 5.7ish to 6.0ish is rough with straight water in this aerogarden.

Wondering if i should add some nutes again.

Updated pics.

Any suggestions would be great.



Well-Known Member
Day 15

Bottom leaves are gettign worse but seem to be holding steady. Newer leaves are coming in a lighter yellow/green now. They have been on straight water for over 24 hours now. Keeping 5.7ish to 6.0ish is rough with straight water in this aerogarden.

Wondering if i should add some nutes again.

Updated pics.

Any suggestions would be great.
I'm still not real sure what is going on with those bottom leaves, but the new ones are looking healthy. I would go ahead and start off with some nutes. They look like they need them now.


Active Member
Right now i am at 10 days of 20/4 light frame. It seems to be doing fine for me. I plan to change to a 18/6 for energy purposes at my second week.

But i have a auto flower which blooms at 12/12 or 24/0/ 20/4 18/6. etc etc.

I think you will be fine. Long as you have no light leaks i guess if yours is not a auto flower.

Are you trying out simple hydro since you're other plants are indoor soil?

I only did a autoflower because i have never really grown anything before. So i wanted to Test the waters so to speak. I have some other seed types i will try later.

Go through fox's thread or Shacklefords's. They have some great advice.

yea im juss tryin simple hydro before i get a bigger system. i want to try out some autoflower seeds to juss because i know it cuts time a good bit and im gonna grow small plants ether way. by the way my plants in soil will be goin in to 12/12 this weekend hopefully if everything goes right after 6 weeks of veg. at that point my WW girls in the AG may be goin into 12/12 two after juss 2 weeks of or so of veg...


Well-Known Member
though unlikely, it could be that the plant thinks "oh crap, those leaves are goners...may as well cannibalize them!"
as far as i know, that only happens with SEVERE leaf damage/burn, but anything is possible...


Active Member
i shoulda read the whole threat before reposting again because im havint he same probelm with my AG plants! even tho mine dont seem to be turnin brown that much, its more like the tips are dryin out and i diagnosed it to be the air being to dry so im gonna get a small humidifier today to try to fix that. but id love to see what happens with yours, like i said before we seem to be at the same stage of our grow.


Active Member
got the humidifier inn there but found out after reading today that my humidity being at 40% was just fine. so now im back to square one and trying to figure out why my leafs are drying out. i havent used any nutes except a quorter of a small tab for the 1st 2 weeks and i put the other half of that one small tab a few days ago after changin the water again because i moved the AG so i wonder if thats whats doin it... hopefully changin the water will help.


Active Member
Day 16

Thats cool our plants are like on the same time frame. So far my very bottom leaves have stopped dieing per-say. But the rest of the plant looks WONDERFUL. I added nutes yesterday and they have veged pretty well since then.

Yea, my humidity is lower than you. mine sits at around 33%. Kinda low which means it might be why its alittle stunted looking. New leaves coming in are a lighter yellow but seem to be healthy.

Got in my ONA today. a little goes a LONG way in a small room. Its overpowering now. No need to worry about that sweet sexy smell anymore :>

Updated pics.



Well-Known Member
humidity is simply the amount of moisture in the air...since your plants are young, they wont be breathing/sweating as much, hence lower humidity :)


Active Member
Humidity is a issue with me. And it always will be. I am in the sahara desert. Its really bad.

Day 17

She is looking nice. Added 2 extra CFL's again since i figured out it was not burning them. Not much else to report. Growing strong and steady.



Well-Known Member
Humidity is a issue with me. And it always will be. I am in the sahara desert. Its really bad.

Day 17

She is looking nice. Added 2 extra CFL's again since i figured out it was not burning them. Not much else to report. Growing strong and steady.
Looking good, keep it up.


Well-Known Member
maybe its just me, but that looks like a LOT of light/heat for a single small'll want to be mad careful with it your first couple days!