First Timer Grow

Canibud, I will look for that. I'm using jacks 20-20-20 @1/8 th strength. Only gave it once about 2 1/2 weeks ago. did put in some hydrogen peroxide to help with flooding the girls.

Sweets wisher... Got pics or journal. How long did u veg.?



Active Member
Good job..
I would run it 24/7, just keep topping up the water after you feed.. then its always good


Active Member
Your girls are lookin pretty =]
Sure there are a few brown tips but I am sure that your plants will look amazing!
My ladies are doing very well, I'm glad my first grow is turning out well, and i hope yours turns out well to Jill
I think I've killed them! I'm so upset! Last night I started thinking that if ph is such a problem and having such a difficult time getting down maybe the water in the spray bottle should be lowered. So knucklehead put ph down in spray bottle and brought down to 6.5. WRONG! I noticed a chemical smell when spraying them. I poisoned them I think cause they are all droopy this morning... Gave them a major flush of water and had to leave them to go to work. I'm gonna have my hubby empty and ronde water bottle and spry them down hoping to get off what ever is there..

In the meantime... Tonight I leave for Philadelphia for my sons surgery and I won't be able to tend to them... In gods hands now

Booo whoo hoooo


Active Member
Good luck with your trip and hope the surgery goes well,
if you have time fill a bucket with water and dip the plant.. submerge it under water, this may help clean them.
but still dont give up on them yet, these things are just weeds after all.. they should come back
Thanks canibud, must appreciate your thoughts on my sons surgery. I had my hubby empty bottle and spray down. When I get home will do what you said and give them a shower. LIKE IM NOT STRESSED ENOUGH!

Thanks for your help.. Cross your fingers! I hope this didn't stress them out so much they become hermies.
Ok... So I got home from work. My hubby sprayed them a bit with fresh water. They were starting to perk up. At least they were not drooping all the way down. I put in bathtub and sprayed leaves again while lightly rubbing leaves. Flushed with a 4.5 ph water to get the 8 down, and gave some food. Last I checked was last night and ph when I left was about 6.5 so I felt a little comfortable. I'm gonna see if hubby can take a pic and sent to me. Crossing fingers.

It's gonna be a loooong 4 days.


I have never used PH up or down because usually my nutes balance it out but when I use just plain water I am at a ph of 8.? usually and I just use a small amount (2ml) of distilled vinegar per gallon of water and it usually gets it down to 6.7~6.8. Good luck with your grow and may god bless you and your family!
Thanks.. For the prayers (TRUELY NEEDED) and for info with vinegar. Will try when I get home. So frustrating that I don't have resources in my area, can't even get RO water anywhere. Hopefully the girls we be ok when I get home sat.

Thanks again


Active Member
Jill, your girls are looking good. Don't let growing stress you out, you'll get the hang of it in no time and see how relaxing and rewarding it can be. Ask about a water refill station at your local grocery stores, or you might have a local BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle). Search Google for water store and see if anything comes up locally.

Jill, your girls are looking good. Don't let growing stress you out, you'll get the hang of it in no time and see how relaxing and rewarding it can be. Ask about a water refill station at your local grocery stores, or you might have a local BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle). Search Google for water store and see if anything comes up locally.

I've looked everywhere for RO water. Only see spring water and from what I have read, doesn't mean squat. I'm dying to see what they look like right now. is distilled ph neutral? I flushed them with real low ph water and washed chemical off leaves before I left so they should be well hydrated. I have timer in tent so they should be ok.

THEY ARE ALIVE! so to recap, sunday nite sprayed them with water than i put ph down in. guess too much as they burned them and monday morning they were wilted to such an extreme you didnt know what they were. took fresh water and sprayed them in morning then after work flushed them with low ph to compensate for the high ph, added some nutes and really soaked the leaves with fresh water. Been gone now for 3 days and hubby took a pic. He is pissed cause it smells like skunk and they are coming back. you can see the leaves are all brown and burned up looking. I should be home sat and will test ph in soil and moisture.

0210011300.jpganything i should do or look out for? should I use distilled water since I cant find RO water? is distilled ph neutral? we are getting so close (i think) Im afraid of screwing something else up.



Active Member
I have heard to avoid distilled water, I would just use tap water they will do fine.. keep it simple for now
updated pics.. I think they are stillErica feb 15.jpg erica 2-15.jpgbrowning. I have been giving them nutes in water that I lowered PH to about 5. But the next day it is back up close to 7 and 2 days later aurora 1 feb 15.jpgaurora1 feb 15.jpgcreeping up again to mid 7s. The darker one is doing the best with little issues - she (again hoping for Erica not Eric) was found in some pretty good weed. The other aurora 2 feb 15.jpg2 are very dissapointing for 6 weeks old. Maybe Aurora Indica is more tempermental and less hardy for a new grower?

Why does PH continue to go up?? MG soil. Waiting for my ppm to come in been checking with my soil PH meter.
How tall should they get before turning to flower?


Active Member
the old leaves wont heal, but dont worry bout them... keep n eye on the new growth as long as it looks good no prob. from what i see they look good
my guess on the ph issue would be the soil, it has bunch of food in it... time release type, just give them water for a while maybe
and as for how tall... its up to you, the will grow a foot or two taller... some flower clones, others will grow them large. i flower at about six inches tall, dont like leggy plants
Ok. Found a hydro store about 1 hr away which I am going to try to get to today. My ph/ppm device came in. Tap water is 7.4pm ( which matches what I tried with soil tester) and if I did it right ppm was 25. My aurora is droopy again and ph crept back up to 7.5. So I flushed her with really low ph water but now afraid I'm drowning her so I'm gonna let her dry out and hope she come back. My other one seems fine. I looked at my mg soil and in the freaking corner of bag it said time release! I cant believe I didn't see that before. Wondering if I should try to transplant in another soil with no neuts in it? Being careful not to damage roots maybe I can get enough of the time release nuts off. Thoughts?

When I go to hydro store I gotta be careful ... Not legal in nj!! Someone told me like tomatoes. Thinking that is the best way to go about it.

Looking for RO system that is portable or not hooked up to plumbing. My hubby will kill me. Does anyone know if they make them like that? Been looking but with no luck


Active Member
An easy way to change soil is to fill a bucket with water and hold the plant by the trunk and dip it in swish it around, most of the soil will fall to the bottom. Check the hydro store for soil mixes, I always had good results with "sunshine mix" and the flora series for nutes. I think the soil and food are more important than the filtered water, I dont filter mine... tap water given 24hrs to loose some chlorine.
Its always good to be a bit paranoid about buying stuff, but I like to think a few plants under one light for personal isnt gonna get you busted. its a hobby