yea well, if I have the option I like to give em a few days to get used to the LEDs (HPS before) before I changes to 12/12
seems a bit drastic to both move em from T5HOs to stronger light and cut the hours (and this time also a lot of work/scrog on em)
and since I have a empty

grow room I´ll give em a few day`s to "recover" and peak up even more, maybe do a bit more scrog/training before I flip so I just run the small fixture for two hours more in the morning to keep em from entering bloom/the stretch before Im/they are ready
in no hurry, have +4 oz drying as we speak
and yea M-lining seem`s like a great technic, not fare from what I used to do (FIM/LST) just give it a "extra" curve with the short steam and short way for the water/feeding to travel and be divided equal
quite stoked about this run, M-lining/scrog/organic/LEDs, if just the super hot summer temps soon go away Im golden (also a reason to hold back on 12/12) just need em to drop a few from 84-86F
and yes my first fixture is a Apollo or similar, seem`s like a few use this design, most important is that they do use the "real" quality 3W Epistar chips/LEDs and not some fake E-bay fixtures with 1W in em from China (price will often tell) secondly make sure they have a secondary lens technology on em (works like a magnifier glass and make the penetration 3x as effective, remember my rock hard compact lower bud`s on my first run)
if you have the real 3W with the double lenses on and you get a good spectrum (remember I did switch 16 blue LEDs out with 16 more Red`s as I made this to replace my HPS for flowering) you cant go completely wrong
sure there are better fixtures on the market, but there is for sure also a lot worse once out there and it do get the job done
could put it this way, it is not Skoda or hyundai, more like volkswagen, steady and do the job, but Im sure you can find the mercedes out there (like Prospian`s new A-51 light maybe) but Im also sure the end result would be to close to notice maybe like a 400W HPS Vs a 430W dual arc HPS