"Fk the NRA"

I don't have a problem with gun owners, but do have an issue with nut jobs being able to get a hold of "legal" guns from shops to commit school shootings among others. There needs to be something put in place to prevent such actions.

I have zero issues with this goal, only the way that its being executed, to keep them out of the hands of crazy people (who already cant have them but our system and checks have failed massively to prevent) we are gonna take them out of everyones hands period and just hope that the people motivated to MURDER dont want to break any laws to carry out their mass shooting, which apparently happens 3 times a day at every school u pass on ur way to work. The people we should all be pissed at are the police and fbi that fail to do their job if it doesnt involve donuts. These people see a school shooting and are trained and paid their whole lives just for that exact thing, and then wait outside cuz its scary and they might poop their pants, and u want me to give up my right to defend myself and wait for officer fatass to save me tomorrow ? Hah no thanks, ill save myself in 1.6 seconds
I have zero issues with this goal, only the way that its being executed, to keep them out of the hands of crazy people (who already cant have them but our system and checks have failed massively to prevent) we are gonna take them out of everyones hands period and just hope that the people motivated to MURDER dont want to break any laws to carry out their mass shooting, which apparently happens 3 times a day at every school u pass on ur way to work. The people we should all be pissed at are the police and fbi that fail to do their job if it doesnt involve donuts. These people see a school shooting and are trained and paid their whole lives just for that exact thing, and then wait outside cuz its scary and they might poop their pants, and u want me to give up my right to defend myself and wait for officer fatass to save me tomorrow ? Hah no thanks, ill save myself in 1.6 seconds

I am fully for people having the rights to defends themselves against criminals rather it be with a gun/bat/knife or what ever. There shouldn't be punishment for people in their right state of mind owning firearms. There just needs to be something put in place to keep legal firearms out of the hands of nut jobs without affecting the sane gun owners.
I live in MA, basically maoist China meets Sesame Street, so any further gun control here seems outrageous to me, i think the thing we should be focused on is enforcement of current policy, not giving confiscated guns to peoples fathers to be given right back to the offender, not ignoring warnings from dozens of people that someone is dangerous, not letting domestic abuse offenders slip thru the cracks
Ooh i have a good idea! Lets let a bunch of children and facebook likes from the uninformed/misinformed masses dictate legislative policy! I also was in New York during 9/11 so i would like to be in charge of the FAA! Anyone else have some constitutional rights they wanna turn in? By the end of the week we could be Australia!
No gun massacres, universal healthcare, livable wages

Awesome let’s do it
I have zero issues with this goal, only the way that its being executed, to keep them out of the hands of crazy people (who already cant have them but our system and checks have failed massively to prevent) we are gonna take them out of everyones hands period and just hope that the people motivated to MURDER dont want to break any laws to carry out their mass shooting, which apparently happens 3 times a day at every school u pass on ur way to work. The people we should all be pissed at are the police and fbi that fail to do their job if it doesnt involve donuts. These people see a school shooting and are trained and paid their whole lives just for that exact thing, and then wait outside cuz its scary and they might poop their pants, and u want me to give up my right to defend myself and wait for officer fatass to save me tomorrow ? Hah no thanks, ill save myself in 1.6 seconds
You’re 43 times more likely to kill yourself tho
You’re 43 times more likely to kill yourself tho
Actually u dont know me so telling me about what im likely to do means jack shit to me, but thanks for labeling me as a “poor insecure white” and deciding my future. I guess it wont matter to tell u that unbased personal insults dont generally make people inclined to listen to the bs rhetoric and weighed “studies” u scoop up and regurgitate
Thought u social justice warriors were trying to create a utopia where we all pay in smiles and nobody is ever insulted or has to feel sad.. that is until someone disagrees with u and then its “ur dumb” and “poor insecure white” take ur passive aggressive racist trash with no real message somewhere else, this is why nobody wants to listen to ur self righteous white armour polishing, a few of us were actually trading coherent points
Just go ahead and call me hitler and get it over with cuz i know u dont wanna have a constructive debate, i hope u dont vote or procreate
Actually u dont know me so telling me about what im likely to do means jack shit to me, but thanks for labeling me as a “poor insecure white” and deciding my future. I guess it wont matter to tell u that unbased personal insults dont generally make people inclined to listen to the bs rhetoric and weighed “studies” u scoop up and regurgitate
sorry gun studies upset you, you must be insecure

Nice meltdown white
sorry gun studies upset you, you must be insecure

Nice meltdown white

Smh i rest my case, enjoy ur racist hate filled life, once u resort to personal insults it just means u concede, i accept ur resignation, have a good day. Btw if u want someone to seriously consider ur next “statistic” u should cite ur source and do a critical review of it and also cite another conflicting report, cuz u know they exist because, and i know this is hard to believe, u can make statistics work for u no matter what, and thats how u have a constructive informative debate, not that ur interested in that, whoever liked ur comments should probably be a little bit ashamed to be grouped in with u, but its ok, i forgive u
Also for the record i dont remember being asked how much more likely i am to kill myself now that i own a gun, but clearly all people think exactly the same way about everything right?
If u find urself considering how much more awesome another country is and how we should be them, try moving there, im all for people being happy where they are, u deserve that too
Fucking triggered

Man how could anyone not be moved to tears by this guy’s (sorry if thats not how u identify urself) deep and thought provoking arguments! Yes, i think i am commenting on this thread because a thought process of mine was “triggered”, if i didnt care at all i would be a lousy contributer, but i guess u proved u can care and still be that, hats off to you
Think i miss SB85, he had real thoughts and concerns, not just another internet tough guy slinging insults, surprised u dont love Trump, seems like ur kind of guy
I’m just in awe that as deaths keep going up people can say the ease of gun ownership (hand guns and assault rifles) is a good thing. Yes I would love to own and carry a glock or own an ar15 but I also know it’s best I and others here can’t lol. 92B803D6-A423-4F86-A713-F8C0B6C694D0.jpeg