Florida Growers Thread

any florida boys using h2o2. my hydro guy swears he cant get it in this state. he wants it though. i'm trying to find some. not on ebay. just wondering if any of you have an actual shop you go to with it still on the shelves. 35% or 50%, not 3% or 17%. i was using grotech super oxy.
thanks in advance.

Hey Bugs, there's a place in Crystal River that sells 35% food grade h202. With shipping and taxes, I ended up paying about $45 for a gallon. The 4 and 8 gallon deals are far better. Get a buddy to chip in and you'll get a lot more for the buck. I'll probably pick up the 4 or 8 gallon deal next time so I don't have to order for a while. Maybe you can pick up a bunch and sell it to your hydro guy! haha!

Man my cam is broke. Makes me not even want to post lol. But I will. O.k. Saturday I went to lows and picked up a 65 watt 300 equivalent c.f.l. I know the equals 300 dont spose to mean shit. Anyway the day I got it I took a small 5to 7 inch plant and put it under the lite and 3 days later new growth and no wilting so I think its working but in about a week or two I will start a 12/12 cycle just to see if the lite has the power to bud. P.S. The lite is almost as big as a 2 liter bottle and it screws into a regular socket plus self ballast.
Man I'm glad it rained. It was hot as hell yesterday. And my front yard was getting burnt all to hell.

I am happy to report the after installing a 6" can fan and properly cooling my light, it brought my temps down from 85 to 77. Now i need to get the humidity under control. I bought a 25 pint electric dehumidifier and was planning to put it in the tent, but it raises my temps. I think what I'll try and do is put it on a timer and run it once or twice while the lights are on and all the time while they are off. Just need to test to see if the timer thing works.

gotta love that rain til it puts a hurricane up your ass lol. It didnt rain here in hillsborough til arond 11:00 p.m.

Depends on which part of Hillsborough, it dumped buckets on us between 7 and 8, then picked up again around 11 and didn't really stop until about 3 am. Throw that in with one impressive lightning storm and that was the evening in my part of Hillsborough.

What a fucking storm last night.We had transformers poping every where.Hail and some damn strong winds.A few trees knocked over and a shit load of branches every where.