Florida Growers Thread

Sup Guys, I just joined this forum. I'm located in Boca Raton. I'm sorry but Florida has some fantastic bud. The only weed I've had better was from Hawaii. I'm planning on trying to grow some rag seeds soon. I'm currently sprouting them and they are cracking. Anyone in the Boca Broward Area?
Sup Guys, I just joined this forum. I'm located in Boca Raton. I'm sorry but Florida has some fantastic bud. The only weed I've had better was from Hawaii. I'm planning on trying to grow some rag seeds soon. I'm currently sprouting them and they are cracking. Anyone in the Boca Broward Area?

I used to live down there :blsmoke::peace:
Hey Nonstopwhining, my 2 belladonnas sprouted, and the leaves on one of the sprouts is straight purple, and the other one is just a little bit. Does this mean i will get a plant that is straight purple like the one in your gallery?

That purely pink/purple bud in my gallery is an edited photo.

I did have some nice purpling in one of my belladonna's though.

i live in central fl on the peninsula on the peninsula haha
and also venture north atleast a week every month to the ocala area where a 5 minute hike through the woods is a massive crystal clear blue spring that is about 20 ft deep that has an opening of about a 10 ft diameter hole that leads you into a cave underwater that eventually if you have the balls to dive down there will lead you into the aquifer and as far as bug out door problems they suck but i love the massive amounts of sun plants outdoor until theyre about a foot tall and then take em in and ive heard that up in the poorer northern counties they have nothing better to do than use ghetto birds to look for our plants so keep that shit deep deep deep deep in the woods because cops up there arent the brightest one night a buddy and i were out tryin to shoot some deer and watched the game warden walk underneath our tree stands sorry i rambled but im quite high:peace::joint:
Yo my Nig. How do you get to this spring. I want to check this place out. I ain't too far.
man nirvana tricked the hell out of me! LOL.. I opened the package and saw some gloves and was like WTF and i found them inside one of the fingers of the gloves i was like thank you jesus. :mrgreen:
Oh shit a florida thread, i just joined this site, im from florida too, orlando, 407 baby.

I just started growing my very first plants ever, there from seeds i got out of stuff ive smoked. They are prolly a week and half now.There about 5 inches tall. They have the first 2 jagged leaves and are starting to grow more leaves. Ive never done this and all i have is 1 10watt cfl light. They are in the bowls that butter comes in for right now. I have 7 of them going. What do i need to get soon cause i know they cant continue to grow with just that.
Oh shit a florida thread, i just joined this site, im from florida too, orlando, 407 baby.

I just started growing my very first plants ever, there from seeds i got out of stuff ive smoked. They are prolly a week and half now.There about 5 inches tall. They have the first 2 jagged leaves and are starting to grow more leaves. Ive never done this and all i have is 1 10watt cfl light. They are in the bowls that butter comes in for right now. I have 7 of them going. What do i need to get soon cause i know they cant continue to grow with just that.

get bigger pots.the bigger the better, more cfl's,and plant each in different pots. Make sure you get the lights as close as possible to the plants, so they dont stretch.
Oh shit a florida thread, i just joined this site, im from florida too, orlando, 407 baby.

I just started growing my very first plants ever, there from seeds i got out of stuff ive smoked. They are prolly a week and half now.There about 5 inches tall. They have the first 2 jagged leaves and are starting to grow more leaves. Ive never done this and all i have is 1 10watt cfl light. They are in the bowls that butter comes in for right now. I have 7 of them going. What do i need to get soon cause i know they cant continue to grow with just that.

read the growfaq. tons of great info.