Flower or not yet??


Well-Known Member
Hi how are you, if your going for single colas go ahead and flip, if you want more than top them and wait 2 weeks then flower. Choice is up to you my friend.


Moondance likes small plants. don't flower those plants any time soon unless you have limited space. defoliate the bottom of the plants and remove the top 1-2 nodes to promote an even canopy . allow all nodes to receive light and check out scrogging techniques. don't become a basic grower step your tech up.


Well-Known Member
I would personally go with What Moondance suggested and top them.

Although if it's your space your concerned about I would work on the basis that there probably going to double in size when flipped , so how much bigger could you really veg without a little Lst . ( which wouldn't hurt if can afford to veg for few more weeks)

Looking good though.

Noobs input .


Well-Known Member
Yup Moondance like's um small LOL. indoors at least, I only get 5'10" in my basement so I have to grow vertically, I even had to cut the tubes on the tent down to fit it LOL, by the time they wrap the ladders there like 10 footers lol. I think I do okay though, I like to have 6 months cure on my meds to so I have to produce enough for me to have 2 ounces a month to medicate with. Keep up updated on the grow please OP.IMG_20161005_142743.jpg20150422_230102.jpg