Flower? Pics. Blueberry. Canuk seeds. Feminized.

In my oppinon after looking at the photos more is

Since your canopy is pretty thin (like i do mine too)

You dont have to worry about penetration to much.

If i where you i would pluck them in stages since your in week 5

Like today pull off anything lower then the top 3 grown leaves

Then wait 1 day. Then pull off any purple stemmed bigger leaves and anythat are shading buds

Then wait a day rinse annd repeat

I believe if you yank it all off at once you might atress them out and throw a nanner :)
My womans hounding me to work on chores lol

But i will take your drawings and shhow you what i would do .

Week 5 is a little sketchy for major training but you can definitely lose some of those leafs for sure

In my opinion and style
Many roads leads to Rome, mate. I have seen some who defoliate really radical and others who have defoliated more moderately and even others defoliating in weekly intervals. It depends on what you feel is right. Let yourself be guided by your feeling, you will soon have a feeling which leaves can go away.

What's up with the purple stems? Why can a leaf only go away when they stem turned purple? I had some strains, who developed purple stems from the beginning? Really curious if it's a myth or if there is a logic reason. Thanks mate!
Only if they dont have purple from genetics

Ill notice that the top three leaves stay green and after that they tend to purple out to me indicating
The plants done with them and sending the nutes elswhere

But im not an expert botanist or horticulturist
Just a dude that been growing for a few years :)
Indeed a lot of differnt methods and ideals
Out there.

But every time i do a major defoiliation i always see the plant never skip a beat
Im doing a side by side right now in my journal between plants that are hardly plucked and plants that are getting plucked hard :)

That way i know for sure
Right now I’d clean up underneath, if there’s any little buds that are far behind the rest pull, some old leaves starting to lose color pull. Get some more fresh air in there , n lose the larf if any.

When I’m growing a new strain, I take a lot of factors into what strain n phenos make the cut.
The 1st run I don’t like to do a lot , just kinda see what they wanna do with my system and style of growing.
I like phenos that are not prone to larf n popcorn, with less work from me.
But after a few grows you can determine what they will respond too. I have one plant, that I pull fans from start to finish, because they block out the sun and I’ll end up with junk below, this hurts the final size of the main colas , but the end yeild is a lot higher.
Anonther stain, I loollipop hard in early flower, n let her do her thing, then around 6-7week I’ll slowly start opening the canopy to get more light deeper, as I see the tops getting ripe .

I have found a difference in yeild and quietly
Of the lower buds sites , with increasing the amount of air under the canopy. Also speeds up the wet dry cycle to feed them more .

Looks good
@Dr. Who
@Johnny Lawrence
@Roger A. Shrubber

Just finished the heavy feed week, pk boost, pgr booster, starting week 5 might go 9 or 10 weeks

I'm thinking of doing a heavy trim, get rid of most of the fan leaves, any opinions?

If you were going to open up the canopy, would you just take what's making shade, or everything that's not attached to a cola?

Ive been thinking of leaving it alone but it's getting fucking thick
Yep what cold said. Perfect advice it’s what I’d say.
One thing I would change next time is the net, I would make a couple rings around the table with 1/2pvc pipe or wood , and hook the net to it and make it tight for support , once the buds start to swell they will start to fall, I don’t see the net offering much support ( but could just be the pics)

I switched from netting etc to 60lbs fishing line. I made 1 tear with pvc pipe , n screws every 4”, made my own net , works slick, cheap, easy to replace, if needed .
Going to add another tear soon, but after a full week of remodeling to the room and little sleep, it’s fine for now .

@Cold$moke , I’m loving the orca
And the reason the vent stuck to it wasn’t just because of heat, it was because the 6” 90 had duct tape on it an the glue from that stick to the orca, and when I pulled, was the perfect storm . I put white duct tape on it, the girls and I agree its not noticeable.
I think his nets fine as i do the same thing when keeping my canopy height short.

A fellow made a comment about my lights being able to penetrate 3ft and im not using all of it.

To that i have thought about and looked at my net and even though the light may reach down deep.

It DOES NOT. Change the fact that the plant is atypical and will send its growth to the highets buds period.
Even though my canopy height is less then a foot thick i still find Larf ..... this is due to the plants way of distributing the growth power. Not because my lights wont go deep enough

So i tend to look at my plants after the stretch and any buds i see that are lower on the brach that grow more stem then the rest get cut as i know they are trying to keep up with the tops
Thanks for the input guys, and I agree the net looks loose, it's deceiving.

I have four 2x4s holding the net tight on top, I've been weaving the tops through the squares.

The sides are just loose for now because I cut out most of the undergrowth out .

If the buds spill over the sides, IL weave the loose side netting around the buds I have to and then tighten them up with zip ties :)

I like having access because I use a bucket with a hose to do a half dose feed with sm90 soil drench once a week at 1ml/liter

And twice a week now I'll be doing a hand feeding because I feel my pumps aren't doing that good of a job evenly distributing water. Some pots were getting lighter than others.
I don‘t want to argue with anyone here, but my opinion is, that it‘s too late for a proper defoliation. At this stage removing lower buds, won’t necessary result in more harvest weight. I like it when I can keep my plants just a little underfed, and see the big leaves turn yellow. Than I help plug em off... like more a kind of natural defoliation. Even a week of underfeeding will show you, which leaves the plants don‘t need anymore. Mistakes Of over-pruning exluded this way.
I semi agree with serva that week 5 is a little late for tricks :)

But in my mind the plant HAS to use ENERGY maintain those lower leaves and when they purple out or snap right off they are ready to go.
In my humble opinion not fact or anything.

i for one would rather pull popcorn off then have to trim it though