Flower tent LED build

Mostly just commenting to get alerts again. Ive also been wanting to make a press soon. I think I am going to go the route of a harbor freight shop press and a heated plate kit.
If you do, seriously let me know how it comes out. I had thought of making my own press as well. If I can rebuild a Cat3520C engine, I should be able to figure out how to make a simple homemade rosin press
If I build one im going big and making a 20 ton with big plates. Can be much cheaper if you go smaller
This press or the other harbor freight versions, I want one I can hook up to a compressor when I get one.

Plus ones of these plate options

Equals something like this

I'll never be pressing more than 7 grams or so, so i'm looking super small. If I had bought one, was looking at the nugsmasher mini. This is going to be on my desk where I also do my school work, and its also my smoke station lol. Need to keep it small
I'll never be pressing more than 7 grams or so, so i'm looking super small. If I had bought one, was looking at the nugsmasher mini. This is going to be on my desk where I also do my school work, and its also my smoke station lol. Need to keep it small
One of those clamp ones would be good for you.
If you do, seriously let me know how it comes out. I had thought of making my own press as well. If I can rebuild a Cat3520C engine, I should be able to figure out how to make a simple homemade rosin press
I've built mine using HF and some easy to obtain electronic parts. Pressed dozens of #s of trim through it. Hundreds of filter bags used.
I'd be happy to help you both get it done. Its almost too easy.
I'll never be pressing more than 7 grams or so, so i'm looking super small. If I had bought one, was looking at the nugsmasher mini. This is going to be on my desk where I also do my school work, and its also my smoke station lol. Need to keep it small
HF luckily sells a 6ton that is decent on a desk. It's just awkwardly tall, but very compact.
One of those clamp ones would be good for you.
Yeah, looked at that, but need something a little bigger. Making one sounds pretty appealing, but i'm not even done with my lights yet
Looking like I am going to have to finish the lights while there are girls in the tent. I need my veg tent for my seedlings, the light is way too bright for them. So i'm moving the veg tent girls to the flower tent, but will only be using the spider farmers until the end of veg (the only thing I have in that tent with higher than 3000k). It is only 4 plants, and they aren't very old yet, so not too worried about it taking up too much space for me to work. Still waiting on these cutter uv strips
Gonna be a bit till I get the UVB/C strips. Guess they didn't have the chips in stock and the stupid corona virus crap has delayed them so they aren't being made yet. Good thing I don't need them yet or i'd be a little upset lol.

Stupid corona virus, more people die of the flu every year whats the big deal? AND kids aren't affected as badly either
Gonna be a bit till I get the UVB/C strips. Guess they didn't have the chips in stock and the stupid corona virus crap has delayed them so they aren't being made yet. Good thing I don't need them yet or i'd be a little upset lol.

Stupid corona virus, more people die of the flu every year whats the big deal? AND kids aren't affected as badly either
We'll that's puts a huge cloud in my sky! :(
god 120 bucks for 12 chips and u need prob 4 of them to do a 4x4 fully imma have to pass
where you getting you need 4 to do a 4x4? I have 2 coming (whenever they get the chips and make them, i'll actually get them before they are sent because of the time change lol). Anyway, those 2 are way more than I need, so I have to reduce the exposure times. I guess maybe for coverage area, but thats why i am just going to have them at the ceiling with my other lights and keep them turned up

Wait i'm stoned, you mean you need 4 chips for a 4x4....gotcha
I'm still waiting for @welight to drop the knowledge and info bomb on these UV leds either here or in SupraSPLs new thread where I had originally asked him. I just want to hear everything Cutter knows about them really bad.
Like distance for effectiveness. Can you just hang at the center of the tent ceiling and it'll do the 4x4 perfectly? Or do they need to be within a certain distance? How would you cover a 4x4 if not?
I'm still waiting for @welight to drop the knowledge and info bomb on these UV leds either here or in SupraSPLs new thread where I had originally asked him. I just want to hear everything Cutter knows about them really bad.
you got links to those threads?

Yeah I have not asked him much other than when i'm going to get them, and the voltage and current draw lol (I have the driver, heat sinks, wire and connectors ready to go). I would love to get a starting point from them though, you know recommended exposure durations and frequency. If not i'm just gonna start way small and work my way up. I think it was @nachooo that gave me a good starting point. I'll go look for it when i come down a bit, this ice cream cake is amazing
Its a 3x3 tent so I was thinking 12 strips, run them all at low 500mA, could probably get away with the super cheap light strip holders instead of heat sinks too
Its a 3x3 tent so I was thinking 12 strips, run them all at low 500mA, could probably get away with the super cheap light strip holders instead of heat sinks too
Yes those are 24mm wide strips though and it's hard to find those cheaper Amazon extrusions wider than 18ish