Flower tent LED build

good luck, I'm good for my press I just need to light another 70sqft or so but prob gonna run this plant out throw one more run into flower then be done till after summer when it starts to cool down its a pain in the ass growing in the summer I don't wanna put in a minisplit and im not using a portable I actually might look into a window one but idk how good those are and if they leak smell but prob just gonna save money for a minisplit for a year or two
I have a portable right now, but won't have room for it this summer inside the tent, so will have to come up with a system to blow it into the tent. Shouldn't be too hard. Also need to finish insulating my garage, that will help a lot lol. Wish I could afford a minisplit.
I have a portable right now, but won't have room for it this summer inside the tent, so will have to come up with a system to blow it into the tent. Shouldn't be too hard. Also need to finish insulating my garage, that will help a lot lol.
im in a attic type and I was thinking if I put insulation on the walls around the room would that help I think it would but that's gonna be a pain in the ass I think I might just run a window unit and insulate it real good if I want to this year but I don't think its worth in my situation I would like to grow in the basement but way to many windows and to many angles butt the basement is unfinished soo their could be a nice project their but I don't wanna do anything to the house since im moving in a few years just touching everything up so its sellable when we sell.
damn 50 watts a pop a strip I was more looking like running three of them and drive them around 30-35 watts a strip around their got me thinking now how hot do your heatsinks get?
So I put a fan blowing across the heatsinks, not even that much, but I wouldn't mind leaving my hand there all day now
So I put a fan blowing across the heatsinks, not even that much, but I wouldn't mind leaving my hand there all day now
Funny u say this I put my hlg550 up to almost max but I didn’t see how hot it would be at max and I just left it for the rest of the day so when I noticed it was when I burnt my neck then I just put a fan blowing onto it now it’s nice and just warm not hot
I need to setup my uv bars again took everything down while I was redoing the room got almost everything setup but still need to do a few things. atleast when i get the bars up ill be able to cover almost a 10x10 area but goddamn the fucking agros are overkill but ehh i like the results i got from them
I need to setup my uv bars again took everything down while I was redoing the room got almost everything setup but still need to do a few things. atleast when i get the bars up ill be able to cover almost a 10x10 area but goddamn the fucking agros are overkill but ehh i like the results i got from them
Yeah I almost got em but the form factor of a simple 1' 12 LED strip for a whole 4x4 is so much easier than a 4' t5 fixture. Strap it to your tents ceiling and set your timers. Done.
I would try them its just cutter has no info on what chips they are, I really don't know how well they do cover a 4x4 either for just one to do it I don't know I don't think it has the spread to do a whole 4x4 nicely. I would like to see how they run in a 4x4 just the strip and see how the room is lit up
Yeah I almost got em but the form factor of a simple 1' 12 LED strip for a whole 4x4 is so much easier than a 4' t5 fixture. Strap it to your tents ceiling and set your timers. Done.
Did you order one? No offense, but I better get mine first!!!! Lol....kind of
I would try them its just cutter has no info on what chips they are, I really don't know how well they do cover a 4x4 either for just one to do it I don't know I don't think it has the spread to do a whole 4x4 nicely. I would like to see how they run in a 4x4 just the strip and see how the room is lit up
I’ll show you about 10 mins after I get it in the mail, literally have everything else
I’ll show you about 10 mins after I get it in the mail, literally have everything else
I would really appreciate that because if 1 can cover most of a 4x4 that would be pretty cool but the agros when placed in the middles do a great job gettin a 4x4 and a lil bit over
I would really appreciate that because if 1 can cover most of a 4x4 that would be pretty cool but the agros when placed in the middles do a great job gettin a 4x4 and a lil bit over
My flower tent is 56”x56”, and I’ll show you......but you aren’t going to see anything...... humans can’t see 280 or 310nm, but stare at it and your eyes are screwed
ive seen uv chips put out a superlight color that's about it I might be wrong
Yeah they were not UVB though, UVA maybe, not sure if anybody makes a 320 but I think you might be able to very faintly see that at a very high power, but I wouldn’t look at it without eye protection
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