Flower time starts when?


New Member
its all down to how good you are at growing and caring for the plants and the growing environment the plants are in to get fast results.



Well-Known Member
flowering does not start at 12/12 it starts when the plant is showing signs of sex(pre flowers) regardless of photoperiod if you keep the plants on 18/6 or 24/0 they will start showing sex in 6-8 weeks of vegg.
if there are no flowers and you switch to 12/12 before the plants are sexually mature they are not flowering.
no flowers = not flowering regardless of photoperiod.
if any one thinks it starts when you immediately
switch to 12/12 then they are WRONG.
how can a plant be flowering with no flowers(not possible) ????????
if the plants are not showing any signs of sex and you switch to 12/12 it will take 1-2 weeks to start flowering and thats when you count the weeks of flowering and NOT when you switch to 12/12.


If your plants are not mature enough to start flowering they are in seedling stage. Can't start flowering until they are old enough to flower. The Question and answer for flowering cycle is if a plant is old enough to go into flowering (4/5 weeks or older) and you want to skip the veg. stage then flowering starts at 12/12. Notice seedbanks are now using terms like short, Med. and long flowering cycles now vs 8 weeks etc.? Too many variables to call it anything more specific.


New Member
If your plants are not mature enough to start flowering they are in seedling stage. Can't start flowering until they are old enough to flower. The Question and answer for flowering cycle is if a plant is old enough to go into flowering (4/5 weeks or older) and you want to skip the veg. stage then flowering starts at 12/12. Notice seedbanks are now using terms like short, Med. and long flowering cycles now vs 8 weeks etc.? Too many variables to call it anything more specific.

completelly wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

10-20-2008, 08:39 PM

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Mr. Ganja

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Originally Posted by LUDACRIS
thanks but what would the time period be from sprout to a "nice quick harvest" and i take it we are talking about laying down 20-30 good seeds???? and very small plants??.

Yep a higher number of smaller plants, i cant really answer how long it would take because that is entirely strain/lighting/growing environment dependant.

If you start seedlings on 12/12 theyl still grow like theyre in veg for a couple of weeks (although very fast) before they start to flower, they wont flower straight away.
currently growing, exodus cheese, bb chiesel, bb blue cheese https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journal...ml#post2778305


New Member
Hey Lud, Switch to Indicas for a bit please. May just do the trick for ya. Your good but come on...Spread the love of the hobby...lol.

i always do hybrid seeds mostly 60% indica and 40% sativa and the skunk and the kush i grew were both more indica.
i would never grow a pure sativa strain(takes to long).
my very first plant was a pure sativa and took forever to harvest 14-16 weeks.
every hybrid strain i have grown have all taken 12 weeks from seed packet to chop down.
and my super skunk was indica based so i dont know what you are talking about and as for spreading the love of the hobby i keep that for my friends and contacts and now and then spread the info on threads for anyone wanting to know.
have a look at the website and read the facts.




all turned pure indica.



Well-Known Member
after doing some more research ludacris is right. Tho light controls marijuana's cycle, going straight to 12/12 doesn't necessarily mean the plant has begun its flowering period.


Well-Known Member
then start to count the weeks when u first see buds appearing not from wen u switch! is that wat u were gettin at? i was confused before i always used to count it from day 1 of switch over then wonder y plants wernt ready wen they said they wud b lol:leaf:

so in summary my post at the beginning was right, know it alls lol

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
after doing some more research ludacris is right. Tho light controls marijuana's cycle, going straight to 12/12 doesn't necessarily mean the plant has begun its flowering period.
What research? You're all wrong
The "flowering phase" is light dependent

12/12 from seed isn't flowering because a MJ seeding isn't sexually mature.

The flowering stage of marijuana growth is probably the most satisfying, as your hard work and devoted time begins to show a pay-off. It's also a very telling time for the sex of your plants. Once your plants have reached 20" inches or so and look strong and green (well nourished), it is then time to change your lights to 12 hours ON and 12 hours OFF. This makes your plant think that Fall has come, and that it is time to begin flowering (budding).

If you understand what the word "begin" means it's simple?


New Member
What research? You're all wrong
The "flowering phase" is light dependent

12/12 from seed isn't flowering because a MJ seeding isn't sexually mature.

The flowering stage of marijuana growth is probably the most satisfying, as your hard work and devoted time begins to show a pay-off. It's also a very telling time for the sex of your plants. Once your plants have reached 20" inches or so and look strong and green (well nourished), it is then time to change your lights to 12 hours ON and 12 hours OFF. This makes your plant think that Fall has come, and that it is time to begin flowering (budding).

If you understand what the word "begin" means it's simple?
"BEGIN" FLOWERING is not flowering just because you switched the light 12/12.
its real simple to understand that a plant with no flowers is NOT FLOWERING and if you cant work that one out then :wall: .
so i am sorry to say you are wrong AGAIN.



New Member
When the plants are about twelve inches tall, cut the light down to 12 hours on and 12 hours off per day. This will cause the plants to begin the flowering stage. After the plants show flowers usually 1-2 weeks of a 12/12 photoperiod,then you will have to remove the male plants unless you want to produce seeds. White hairs (pistils) will begin to develop at bud sites of female plants.



Well-Known Member
Who you quoting green cross...george cervantes? the plant has to realize its time to flower before it actually flowers, duh everyone knows that silly


New Member
For the cannabis grower the most important plant/environment interaction to understand is the influence of the photoperiod. The photoperiod is the daily number of hours of day (light) vs. night (dark). In nature, long nights signal the plant that winter is coming and that it is time to flowers and produce seeds. As long as the day-length is long, the plants continue vegetative growth. If female flowers do appear, there will only be a few. These flowers will not form the characteristic large clusters or buds. If the days are too short, the plants flowers too soon, and remain small and underdeveloped.

The plant "senses" the longer nights by a direct interaction with light. A flowering hormone is present during all stages of growth. This hormone is sensitive to light and is rendered inactive by even low levels of light. When the dark periods are long enough, the hormones increase to a critical level that triggers the reproductive cycle. Vegetative growth ends and flowering.
The natural photoperiod changes with the passing of seasons. In the Northern Hemisphere, the length of daylight is longest on June 21. Day-length gradually decreases until it reaches its shortest duration on December 22. The duration of daylight then begins to increase until the cycle is completed the following June 21. Because the Earth is tilted on its axis to the sun, day-length also depends on position (or latitude) on Earth. As one moves closer to the equator, changes in the photoperiod are less drastic over the course of a year. At the equator (0 degrees altitude) day length lasts about 12.5 hours on June 21 and 11.5 hours on December 22. In Maine (about 45 degrees north), day-length varies between about 16 and nine hours. Near the Arctic Circe on June 21 there is no night. On December 22 the whole day is dark. The longer day-length toward the north prevents cannabis from flowering until later in the season. Over most of the northern half of the country, flowering is often so late that development cannot be completed before the onset of cold weather and heavy frosts.
The actual length of day largely depends on local conditions, such as cloud cover, altitude, and terrain. On a flat Midwest plain, the effective length of day is about 30 minutes longer than sunrise to sunset. In practical terms, it is little help to calculate the photoperiod, but it is important to realise how it affects the plants and how you can use it to your advantage.
Cannabis life cycle generally needs about two weeks of successive long nights before the first flowers appear. The photoperiod necessary for flowering will vary slight with (1) the variety, (2) the age of the plant, (3) its sex, and (4) growing conditions.

Added on: Monday, April 9, 2007 Viewed: 15313 times/rollitup.



Well-Known Member
The transition to flowering is one of the major phase changes that a plant makes during its life cycle. The transition must take place at a time that is favorable for fertilization and the formation of seeds, hence ensuring maximal reproductive success. To meet these needs a plant is able to interpret important endogenous and environmental cues such as changes in levels of plant hormones and seasonable temperature and photoperiod changes.

key words: transition to flowering favorable for fertilization and seeds. Intepret cues such as photoperiod changes.

Quote taken from


New Member
The flowering stage.
For outdoor and greenhouse plants, this usually starts some time in September but can be earlier in some modern hybrid strains. For indoor plants this is whenever the grower adjusts the lamp times and flowers usually appear within 10-15 days after the photoperiod has been altered. Indoor growers using fluorescent tubes may want to swap their cool white tubes for warm white at this point.
Flowering is induced when the level of a particular hormone reaches a critical point. This hormone is produced during the dark period (night) and destroyed by light during the day. It is important, therefore, to ensure that the dark period is totally uninterrupted by any light , even a few minutes could disturb this sensitive process.
After a week or two of short days, look out for the immature flowers where the leaves join the stems. Males look like little green, upside down clubs (the playing card type) about one or two millimeters across and females look like green, slightly hairy hemp seeds with one or two thick, white hairs protruding from the top.
Pull up and throw away the males (or use them for making hash oil) before the flowers open and pollinate the females. The idea is to produce female flowering tops with no seeds and false seed pods oozing THC-containing resins; this is called sinsemillia which means "no seeds". If you are using fertiliser, change to one that is low in nitrogen and high in phosphorous.
The flowering tops will continue to grow, in the hope of receiving pollen, for another 4 to 8 weeks and produce more resins as they get older. When the plants are mature then they are harvested.



Well-Known Member
flowering does not start at 12/12 it starts when the plant is showing signs of sex(pre flowers) regardless of photoperiod if you keep the plants on 18/6 or 24/0 they will start showing sex in 6-8 weeks of vegg.
if there are no flowers and you switch to 12/12 before the plants are sexually mature they are not flowering.
no flowers = not flowering regardless of photoperiod.
if any one thinks it starts when you immediately
switch to 12/12 then they are WRONG.
how can a plant be flowering with no flowers(not possible) ????????
if the plants are not showing any signs of sex and you switch to 12/12 it will take 1-2 weeks to start flowering and thats when you count the weeks of flowering and NOT when you switch to 12/12.

Absolutely correct Luda. And may I add if the seedbank says 65-75 days dont count on that, it will probaly be a bit longer for most of us. Their numbers are under 'ideal' conditions in a greenhouse. Most likely tended around the clock. Use those numbers as a guideline and your microscope and the trichs for you final decision on when to harvest.


New Member
Absolutely correct Luda. And may I add if the seedbank says 65-75 days dont count on that, it will probaly be a bit longer for most of us. Their numbers are under 'ideal' conditions in a greenhouse. Most likely tended around the clock. Use those numbers as a guideline and your microscope and the trichs for you final decision on when to harvest.

never go by seed bank times(i beat them everytime).
every strain i have ever grown is ready in 12 weeks from seed to harvest.

(thanks cowboy).