flowering (a newbie question)



Greetings everyone!
Well, this is my first thread here on rollitup and hopefully people will post some comments that will be beneficial for all readers.
Anyways, I am doing my first 'grow' (although I have done plenty of dabbling in growing, just never anything 'serious') and I am very interested into some experienced input.
At the moment, I have 6 clones of which 3 are doing well--and for the other 3, well it's obvious they were taken from the wrong part of the mother. I am doing a closet grow so space is a bit of an issue, but I can always make things work ;)
As of now my space is about 2 ft. deep, 4 ft. wide and probably 7 ft. tall--so basically it's the size of a grow cabinet you'd buy online.
It powered with a grow ufo and it's actually doing a great job, thus far.
The question is, when should I flower? I've heard from people that plants will just go through an insane growth spurt(s) once they begin to flower, but at the same time I don't want to flower them while too young and small. Basically, my little girls are pushin' about a foot tall and are in awesome soil with Ph-balanced water. Suggestions, anybody? :):weed:


Well-Known Member
as a rule once you put the plant into flower she will grow 1 to 1 and a half times the size she is when you flip the switch..... you need to keep that in mind and flip them when you can see that the time is right


Active Member
as a rule once you put the plant into flower she will grow 1 to 1 and a half times the size she is when you flip the switch..... you need to keep that in mind and flip them when you can see that the time is right
You also want to wait till you have alternating nodes..which means the plant is mature and ready to bear its fruits...then its all up to you and your space when to flower ..like Jats said she will double in size while flowering


What does one to one mean? I'm most certain they got some growth to do as they have only been in soil for 3 weeks since I bought them. I simply just don't have the room right now to let them go insanely wild like lots of plants one may see on here.


Double in size? :D I like the sound of that. Either the grow ufo just completely sucks, or growing in soil is one fucking timely process :(


Active Member
and as more the insane groth spurt. yeah mine did that. grew like a foot in a half in a week. shocked the shit out of me


Active Member
and use black stap mollasses in flowering if you want thick,dense,sweet buds. and it also makes the smoke alot smoother.


can someone please tell me cabonated water for sprayn good /bad?the white widow club is snobn me coz im grown skunk,TOOLS!


Well-Known Member
What does one to one mean? I'm most certain they got some growth to do as they have only been in soil for 3 weeks since I bought them. I simply just don't have the room right now to let them go insanely wild like lots of plants one may see on here.
If you begin flower a plant at 12" then on average it will finish at 30" give or take. Keep in mind many factors are involved. Genetics, space, lights ect.... With your grow space and light I would flower about now. 30 days or 12 ", which ever comes first. I do still agree with the alternating nodes. I almost always veg till preflower. But by your space and number of plants. 12" is cool....


Active Member
can someone please tell me cabonated water for sprayn good /bad?the white widow club is snobn me coz im grown skunk,TOOLS!
yeah it's good for your plant. but you want to water it with that in the morning between 5am and 7am


Well-Known Member
i see what u mean with fungi the first 2 weeks of flowering enough ??
Flowering does not start when you go to 12/12. It begins when the plant shows sex. Once your females have some nice flower setting. Stop foilar feeding. Check out the FAQ section. Lots of great info.


Be sure to spray your plants early in the days light cycle. Gives it time too dry out. Again, preventing the nasties.:finger:
thanx a lot cowboy great info much appreciated ill be back soon with some pics.is there a need to ph?7.3ph cabonated irish spring water.


Well-Known Member
thanx a lot cowboy great info much appreciated ill be back soon with some pics.is there a need to ph?7.3ph cabonated irish spring water.
With the spritz you should be fine.PH is pretty important though with you feeding schedule. You should be watering at around 6.5-6.8.


I thoroughly take to hart everyone's input! It's a mixed bag here...I have two Lavender plants that are pre-flowering, along with a Master Kush that is looking awesome, than I have 3 Sour Diesel clones that aren't looking too hot :/
All the best!


Active Member
why between 5n7 ur fkn avin me on surely?
well it's best to do it betweed thos times because the plants is more suseptable to take in nutrients and other trace elements in thos time after that they don't take as much in.