Flowering and Lighting (pics)

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
I have recently begun flowering on a 12/12 schedule on 10/12/08. It is currently under 2 T8 grow light fluorescents (17 watts) and one 26 watt soft white CFL. I think this is putting out around 6000 lumens. I really do not want to buy anything else for the grow, but what can I expect on the buds with this weaker light setup. I hope to be done flowering in 7-8 weeks. I got some pics of the setup and pics right before I begun flowering. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Its worth it to buy an HPS light for sure. The amount of buds and the quality will more then cover the cost. You can get a cheap HPS setup for around $50

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
Well if they both turn out female I am only hoping to yield an ounce so with what I have is this achievable? Once I know the sex I am going to begin giving them molasses every other watering. They are in the 3 month nutrient miracle grow soil (I know it is terrible, but has done quite well so far) I haven't really given them many nutes otherwise. Any advice?

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
This is my first grow and I have no means of odor control. I was just wondering how bad does it actually get once they begin flowering. I usually keep it the room aired out during the day, but will the smell stain the room at all? I heard about getting a mini tower fan with ionizer may help, what do you guys think. They are in a closet currently so I cant exactly rig much of anything. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about smell right now. I don't think you're gonna be happy with your results. Very skimpy plants for budding, probably due to improper lighting during veg.
I've grown plenty of real nice stash weed under plain old 12$ W-mart shoplights. That's $12 w/2-40WCoolWhite tubes . . . work well for vegging, two twice as good.
I hope I'm wrong, but feel "males" a comin'. Why?

Just the way I think. So there's two plants left on Earth, your two. Males are stronger, and selfish. Two's insurance. They'd simply hermie if left alone to re-populate the Earth?
Then again, perhaps I'm insane?

IF they were still in veg, you might've been able to tie them to the side and get some side growth?
I hope you learn from this and don't get pissed at me. Occasionally I skip the sugar coating and tell the truth, as I see it. Guess what?

The pics were grown 100% under dumb old shop-lights, three to a side (6 tubes) Currently doing my first hps budding. Day 5 of 13/11.

Lots of 4" buds . . . 6-9" mains.

Oh, to answer your question, you won't know about your odors until they happen, unless you know the strain. Mine stink more when it's hot and when they need water?



New Member
You might could get 7 grams. If you turn that one light vertical you might could get 14 grams (per female).


Well-Known Member
i would build a pully system. thats what i did. if your interested i can give you a link to my grow log/question thread. im using the same lights as you but i have three all hanging from a pully system that i had to rig to get to work. the stool method is not going to allow the light to be close enough to the apical meristem at some points during the grow, i say this b/c the nodes on your plant seem to be pretty long. and they lights are 17 watt but it says that they have the same as a 75 watt output.

do you have a pole in your closet that could support those lights. if so i can also tell you how to set up a pretty good pully system.

as a question to some of the veterans in here. could you use an ionic breeze fan with the ionic air filters in it to filter the smell.


Well-Known Member
heres that link


the attached pics are pics of my rigging. im sure you can figure out how to make it pully but get some of those small metal carabiners (chain looking pieces of metal) and super glue them into the holes on the back of the lights, get another light. set the string system up and them hook the lights on. i duct taped the lights together then used some of the string to tie them together for extra support. youll see in the picture. from the pic its pretty much self explanatory.


MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
Well I began this grow by a window which explains all of the stretching then I switched them to the setup you see currently. They have both really taken off since than and have had tons of new growth. I know this is by no means what it should be, but hey, this was my first time and I have learned a lot. I can only cross my fingers for a female and I understand your male point of view since I probably stressed them out a little.

The pulley system looks interesting and I could easily set them up vertically on both sides of the plant. Is everyone sure that is the best approach? As you can see they are getting enough side light from the CFL; the 2 fluorescent grow lights on top seem to be reaching the whole plant. I have all lights within an inch currently which has helped out a lot. I just wanted to make sure that the vertical lighting was the best method.

I am in day 4 of flowering and my timer isn't the greatest, but far as I have seen they are getting 12+ hours of darkness so it should be fine. If they are female I am by no means expecting a large yield, but I wanted to make sure that I would actually get a yield? (ya that is kinda confusing haha)

I will post up some new pics today once the lights come back on.


Well-Known Member
just as a question, what are the node lengths of your plant. they look to be about 2-3 inches but i cant really tell for sure. oh and i still reccomend getting a third light. it doesnt add to the cost too much, i payed about 11 bucks for each one of mine, and for flowering im going to get a fourth.

anyway what are your node lengths.

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
The first node is about 3 inches up and the others are about 1 1/2 inches away from each other as you go up. The total height of the plant is about 12 inches. There are 9 nodes total.


Active Member
yours looks alot like what mine did on my first time starting up, that stretching really is a problem though in the long run... I didnt notice the REAL difference until my 2nd grow and then it was like oh my goodness I can't believe I let it get that way...

eitherway, for your style growing unless your going HPS or somethign I'd say grab some CFL's they'll do you better than those tubes...I'd say top it and make it a clone and grow the clone correctly and then flower the other one for experiences sake so that by the time your correctly vegged clone is good to flower you'll know whats up :)

good job anyways though :)

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
yours looks alot like what mine did on my first time starting up, that stretching really is a problem though in the long run... I didnt notice the REAL difference until my 2nd grow and then it was like oh my goodness I can't believe I let it get that way...

eitherway, for your style growing unless your going HPS or somethign I'd say grab some CFL's they'll do you better than those tubes...I'd say top it and make it a clone and grow the clone correctly and then flower the other one for experiences sake so that by the time your correctly vegged clone is good to flower you'll know whats up :)

good job anyways though :)
Ya I know the bottom stretching of the plant got a little ridiculous. I'm sure it will make a significant difference during the flowering period. I can only hope for the best.

I actually just found a 150w HPS for $20 so I may actually switch over to that. I was going to get some CFL's but never really put forth enough effort. Hopefully my HPS setup works out. I haven't done much research on cloning, but that seems like an interesting idea.

If it is a female I may clone. Clones are of the same sex right? If I get the 150w HPS + my current setup I think it would really do well.

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
They were beginning to grow into the lights so I decided to modify my setup a little. What do you think of it? They are in flowering so will this be sufficient for a week or two? I am still probabaly getting a 150w HPS, but for now, this is all I have. Advice and input welcome.

Thanks :peace:


MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
I just ordered a 150w HPS light today and hoping to have it in about a week :) Hopefully once I have this I can actually get somewhere in my flowering stage.