flowering cfl question


Well-Known Member
you can get full spectrum lights ...but for Veg they need BLUE for FLOWER They need soft orange or red(red is the best). IT will flower under 6500 but you are not giving it the light it needs to produce full buds.

honestly if you are going to put that much effort into growing get as much as you can.. 2700's aren't that expensive.. you can get a pack of 4 for like 10.00
yeah somewhere along the road SOMEBODY said you GOT to use 2700 K. i will try the otherway anyways. only THEN will i be 100 % sure that that SOMEBODY was right.
the sun spectrums is different on different places and in different times. i think it will work just fine. if it doesnt, well hey fuck me right? at least then i'll be certain that the rumours are true.


Well-Known Member
hey its ALWAYS worth trying... none of us on here were born experts.. its all from trial and error.. i'm in the middle of my first CFL grow and am using orange/red lights. for maybe a reference.. mine stuff started shooting after about 1.5 weeks.

maybe try with the 6500's for 3 -4 weeeks and do some comparison

best of luck!


Active Member
thanks everyone for the help i dont need help nomore one is a female others still nothing going to go buy 2700ks tomarow


Well-Known Member
hey its ALWAYS worth trying... none of us on here were born experts.. its all from trial and error.. i'm in the middle of my first CFL grow and am using orange/red lights. for maybe a reference.. mine stuff started shooting after about 1.5 weeks.

maybe try with the 6500's for 3 -4 weeeks and do some comparison

best of luck!
planning on usin 2700 K next round . if its better, well then its more bud for me! either way, i cant fail. i musnt fail. fail is not an option (''-) NO sir!


Well-Known Member
so dont tell me my grow aint gonna work cuz i have 6500 K.
Is that directed to me? I didn't say it wouldn't work. Just that the lower the colour temperate (to an extent, at least) the better when flowering under CFLs, or HPS for that matter.

6500 will certainly work, just not as good as say...a 6500/2300K combo would.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the double post, but this is a different thought entirely.

Another way of going about seeing quicker changes when switching to 12/12 is to invest in some Bud Ignitor or something similar. I personally can't tell you the science/biology behind it, but I was given a sample from a friend and instead of the usual week+ before seeing changes, I saw pistils shooting out after 3.5 days. Pricey stuff though.


I've been through this a few times before...I have tried many different light combos and I am becoming somewhat of a expert on CFL's lol

You need the Blueish(6500K) for vegging...and 2700k for flowering
if you use the 2700k for vegging, your plants will not be bushy like you want and they will stretch like crazy...I call them scarecrow plants
If you use 6500K for flowering, youre plants buds will be smaller and you will be able to see through them they will be so sickly. and they will take FOREVER to flower unless you have liek 400 watts of cfls ( a shit ton of 23's) and a lot of heat for 42watts+ bulbs.
I've spent liek 40 bucks and I think Ill get about an ounce off of a plant thats like barely a foot tall and has 3 colas from cutting the top 4 weeks into vegging.
Make sure you follow the correct type of light need for your phase, I have tried every way around these kind of things because I'm cheap as hell and they don't sell big names liek Fox farm and HPS lights where I'm from.....
YOU WILL BE DISSAPOINTED AT YOUR PLANT WITH BLUE LIGHTS FOR FLOWERING I PROMISE YOU... you'll have grown for 4 months for an eighth of leafy bud with whitish hairs that arent all the way developed.
At walmart, they sell GE 42 watt bulbs in red and yellow box's, you can see the big ass bulb in the box...those are 99.9% of the time 2700k(reddish light, for flower)
I have 4 of them and they cost me 8.50 a piece and I took lamps apart at my house and use the cords and sockets only from the lamps to hang them from little 89c hooks I bought from lowes. I can move the light wherever I need to to get the light where it needs to be. I have them set up right now in a 4 points set up and the 5th one is right in the middle with a big reflector on it so It directs a lot of light on the top middle of the plant



Well-Known Member

here is my plant ... 2 months veg and i started flowering at beginning of the year.. on Jan 2nd. so its been just about 2.5 weeks