Flowering cloned mother plants


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I have three mother plants that was taken from plants during the first sign of flower, as they just had started shooting hairs. These clones have been vegging for a month now and are pretty vigorous all except they have calayxes forming between each node and the main stem. Its a frosty little swolen calayx. Its starting to shoot out new twisty growth so I know there starting to revert to re veg now.

Should I wait for these mommas to reveg before I take new clones? And should I also remove all bud growth with a surgical tool?

And is there anyway possible if pollen got to them in the state that they're in it would change there sex? Like if there buds got pollinated and i removed them would the clones produce seeds if flowered even while the bud growth had been removed before.?


Active Member
once pollen hits the females yes they will produce seeds... the amount of pollin will be affected by how much pollin. If you are cloning then i assume they are females if the clones come out males the mother is either a male or the plant clone was going to be a hermy. Either way i would either grow it apart from those (way apart) or chop it down


Well-Known Member
I have done exactly this with genetics I wanted to keep.
Let the new mother fully return to vegitive growth before you clone again.
Cool sidenote : look up megacropping

Now be warned nanners and hermie traits can be brought by cloning during flowering,I have seen it.
Minimize stress for those and u might do fine...


Well-Known Member
No i think you guys missed my point. Let me use this for an example. Say I have a 100 %female and it gets hit with pollen. I harvest everything off of it and re veg it. The new growth doesn't receive pollen. Will it still produce seeds???