I'll do the mosquito dunks. But for now, I did a quick 1 part Hydrogen Peroxide with 4 part water. Man, I'm really worried now. :(
Peroxide is better for killing bacteria and fungus, than killing insects and their larvae. Plus, if you're in soil, It'll kill off any microbial life that might be benefiting the soil, and the plant.
Peroxide is better for killing bacteria and fungus, than killing insects and their larvae. Plus, if you're in soil, It'll kill off any microbial life that might be benefiting the soil, and the plant.

thanks for the info. But I can't get to the store until tomorrow so, this is the best I can do for now. God I hope she recovers. :(
I don't know what living soil is lol. I dig some soil outside then put it in my pot. Everything was fine until these fucking pests arrived. :D
Living soil, is kinda like the soil outside, except better quality and cleaner. Fox farms, roots organic, build a soil are examples. I only ask because in living organic soil, it's easier to keep an ecosystem with predatory insects and beneficial bacteria, that'll help keep detrimental insects in check.
Thanks for the info. This is my first ever grow, so I'm taking every info I can get. :) Btw, how long will a plant recover from infeststion like this?