
I haven't grown it for years now. It liked my sandy soil. Likes the Su.n I think it's flowers stayed closed when it was overcast.

It's nothing like my Marigolds that are growing like weeds.

I planted a few at the end of the tomato bed. Now I can't even walk through.

It's nothing like my Marigolds that are growing like weeds.

I planted a few at the end of the tomato bed. Now I can't even walk through.

I love the marigolds too. I haven't grown it for a couple of years too. They're bullet proof, so easy to grow.
Covid lockdown really took a toll on my garden. Couldn't get plants or seeds anywhere in spring so I hadda do with what I had.
I grew these for the first time this year. It's called Gazania. It did really good in the front where I never see it but the plants I put in planters on the patio never took off. It's a species from South Africa. I'll grow them again.

These are flowers from the "litchi tomatoes" I'm growing now. Honestly, I will never grow them again, they have the most sinister thorns I've ever dealt with, idk how I'm going to deal with the plants when they are done. BUT they are super neat, pretty flowers, FAST growing and get big. If anyone needs a thorny hedge, they would be awesome. No idea what the fruit tastes like and I'm not even sure I'll get the chance to try them, unless I luck out and don't get any early freezes.