Foliage issue, nitrogen deficiency? Please help.



Thanks for reading!

These are just some bomb seeds going here wondering if underfeeding. They are in scotts/miracle grow soil, have not feed really yet it has two month and six month slow release. I gave one some nuts 2 days ago but have not seen much of a inprovement if not additional decline in deep green which seems to be stemming fom between the veins on the leaf and deteriorating out which would make me feel this is a nute issue. PH is at 6.4ish. 20/4 lighting 81-84 degrees 50%RH under 210w blue spec florescent t-5 type light. Im looking to get some organic fert of some mix of worm casings and such so i dont burn them, hoping to balance out the nut uptake if that is the issue.

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Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's the miracle grow. Just don't add any nutes.

Mircale grow is meant for tomatoes, and does burn bud plants a lot.


Thanks was this on one of yours? Id like to see the forum, how did you solve the problem?
Nope, its a photo from a website. But to solve the problem you need to know whether the deficiency is caused by abnormal Ph values (too acidic) or from the need for magnesium. If in doubt flush the plant with Ph neutral water and add the nutrients back to the plant. This is the only full-proof method to solve deficiencies. Just make sure you're fertilizer has magnesium in it along with all the other trace elements.

P.S: Sorry for the late reply.And an FYI adding nutrients normally lowers the Ph of the grow medium so you might want to look into dolomitic lime. Adding it to the grow medium will increase the Ph. But do note the change in Ph from dolomitic lime is not instant, it is a slow increase over several days.