Follow my first grow


Well-Known Member
Quick question for you, when you got those splitters for the CFLs, did they come with a cord to plug into an AC outlet? Or did you wire that yourself?


Active Member
"Quick question for you, when you got those splitters for the CFLs, did they come with a cord to plug into an AC outlet? Or did you wire that yourself?"

The splitters just screw into a socket, there are no wires from the splitters...(the splitters are screwed into light fixtures that we got from the hardware store, the light fixtures are mounted onto the pieces of wood, then the light fixtures are wired with extension cords. We got this setup from the book "Buds For Less" by SeeMoreBuds)

Pic of light fixture:


Active Member
Day 30 (since we got them. They were cloned about 10 days before we got them.) Isn't the closeup pretty?
Our clones 2 & 3 look like shit right now, but they are coming back slowly. We thought they were gonners. Just goes to show that you shouldn't give up until they are on their sides (completely DEAD)...



Well-Known Member
They really are, the big ones look like bonsais and im pretty sure theyre sativas right? i would love to see how much they yield and how good the bud is so all the ppl that say that you cant grow with CFLs can shut up. By the way i got that book too, amazing right, also the only thing keeping me from doing somthing similar is the price, how much did it cost you for all those lightbulbs? Definetly suscribed:hump:


Active Member
The 42 watt bulbs are $9.83 each at our walmart. So, I guess we have spent about $150 on bulbs total (we have the 12 bulbs in the main setup, and 3 bulbs on our clones) We have just bought one or two bulbs at a time, so it wasn't as bad...started with 6 bulbs, then worked our way up.


Active Member
wife woke me at 3 am to tell me something was wrong. things looked too yellow. plant 3 has increased it's yellowing and i noticed pots were light. checked moisture and down to 3 on the meter, so we watered. looked at GK's pics in his book and decided we're far enough along to not worry about the yelowing.
new pics:



Well-Known Member
hey H let us know how ur clones turn out,post pics of ur process.
ps cfls are the shit and produce nice buds at half the profit:mrgreen:


Active Member
Here's pics from about 10 min ago. Still not looking good. Trying to figure out what to do...sorry so short, kinda inebriated right now.


Well-Known Member
I would try and put a phonebook or two under your plants to get them closer to the lights ,,, you need to be real close like within 2 '' of the plants IMO

maybe they are close just looks wrong with the camera angle


Active Member
korvette1977: Yes the lights are closer than they look. They are about 1-2 in away. We want to get more side lighting too, but haven't had time or money.


Active Member
Day 40: We have decided that we flushed the nutes that were in the MG away about 3-4 weeks ago, not realizing what we did. :-? Going to try to find some superthrive today. Anyone else have any suggestions. Seems to be a lot of people watching this thread, but not a lot talking...must be a bunch of newbies like us.:)



Active Member
W added superthrive to water today and added 2 - 23 watt lights for side lighting. Anymore suggestions?! Please help! Anyone!!!! They are still yellowing! How long before we should start seeing results from the superthrive?


Well-Known Member
man it only looks like its only the lower leaves which i believe is normal for flowering.... how far in are you??