For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all your info. Hey can you refer me to some good floros I can get for veg from wal mart or home depot what wattage and type I have about $40 and I'm really anxious to get started Thanks alot
i dont know brands or wattages of cfls... BUT... here is a 6 pack.. for 15.. which is cheap as hell i think.. if i remember right cfls are kinda expensive.. but basically here is the rule of thumb... the smaller the bulbs wattages, the more you need... i would say use at least 3 or 4 - 20w cfls per plant.. this way you can wrap the entire plant with light... if you have 2 plants, for instance, you only need 6 bulbs... 2 bulbs plant 2 bulbs plant 2 bulbs... that way each plant has light from both sides, but you are using the 2 middle bulbs to light both.. make some sense?? i hope... im not good at explaining always...

ok thats good thanks. using that superthrive is ok isnt it? soooo the grow speeds up when the other leaves come?
super thrive is ok to use as long as you are only using what it says to for seedlings.. i will help to make a strong seedling/sprout/plant... and yea, as more and more leaves show, growth rates increase... think of a ball rolling down a hill... at first it rolls slow.. as it goes it picks up speed.. the further down the hill it gets the faster it rolls... same thing with leaf sets.. the more leaves there are to absorb light energy the more/faster the plant can grow..

No i just gave them there full dose of bloom. After coming on this site i realized that i should ease them over not just blast them. They are all tied back all ready. In the last week when it all started they have gronw about 14 inches and there suppose to be flowering.:wall: One out of the four is growing fine nothing happend to it, but it's also a different strain from the other three.

If you had to choose what would you do?
cut down the 2 stretched stringy plants to put in clones that i have going already or let them ride out? Will it fill in?
The table is a foot off the ground and the 1000 watt light is 24inches away, that leaves me with 6 feet of grow room and the 2 plants are 5.5 feet after the stretch now the plants are to tall for the room
All the issues are all on the top third of the plant.
I just noticed the nutrients for bloom has more nitrogin in it then the gro does this sound right?
ok.. i think you have two seperate issues... both are affecting the plant in different ways and throwing things off...

1) the light leak has to get fixed... that much light will keep plants in a mix between trying to flower and trying to veg.. the result is super stretched plants, that look like they want to flower but wont, and could possibly turn hermie when it does finally flower... so try to get the flower room sealed up better..

2) you have nute issues.. when you go from veg to flower there are hormone changes in the plant.. a complete gear change.. but it takes a few weeks to do... bloom nutes need to be weened onto the plant, while veg nutes are weened off... this is because the plant cant use bloom nutes right away.. the actual nutes in it arent being utilized by the plant yet... its somewhat like when poeple switch some medications.. you have to gradually back off of one to start another... so that could easily throw your plants for a loop since you just start blasting bloom nutes... also, since they are sort of revegging, but still getting bloom nutes, they aren't getting what they need and cant use (they use some but its not the right ratios of what they need) what they are getting..

sometimes bloom nutes can contain more N than veg nutes... ask me why and i cant answer it.. but i think the N in bloom nutes is a different form of N than you get in veg nutes... which makes it easier for the plant to use during flowering...

personally, if you have clones ready to go, as much as this sucks, i would scrap the stretchy plants and just start the clones.. seal the room up really well so you dont have any light issues again.. work on transitioning the nutes from veg to bloom, and go from there... by the 3rd week of flowering you can be almost full strength bloom nutes.. just give them time to develope bud sites or even some flower before hitting them full strength...
ok.. i think you have two seperate issues... both are affecting the plant in different ways and throwing things off...

1) the light leak has to get fixed... that much light will keep plants in a mix between trying to flower and trying to veg.. the result is super stretched plants, that look like they want to flower but wont, and could possibly turn hermie when it does finally flower... so try to get the flower room sealed up better..

2) you have nute issues.. when you go from veg to flower there are hormone changes in the plant.. a complete gear change.. but it takes a few weeks to do... bloom nutes need to be weened onto the plant, while veg nutes are weened off... this is because the plant cant use bloom nutes right away.. the actual nutes in it arent being utilized by the plant yet... its somewhat like when poeple switch some medications.. you have to gradually back off of one to start another... so that could easily throw your plants for a loop since you just start blasting bloom nutes... also, since they are sort of revegging, but still getting bloom nutes, they aren't getting what they need and cant use (they use some but its not the right ratios of what they need) what they are getting..

sometimes bloom nutes can contain more N than veg nutes... ask me why and i cant answer it.. but i think the N in bloom nutes is a different form of N than you get in veg nutes... which makes it easier for the plant to use during flowering...

personally, if you have clones ready to go, as much as this sucks, i would scrap the stretchy plants and just start the clones.. seal the room up really well so you dont have any light issues again.. work on transitioning the nutes from veg to bloom, and go from there... by the 3rd week of flowering you can be almost full strength bloom nutes.. just give them time to develope bud sites or even some flower before hitting them full strength...[/QUOTE]

Did you see the pics? ugly eh!! The light leak was fixed as soon as i noticed it. Yeah i think i'm going to get the clippers out(i dont even like cutting down a male and now i'm cutting a female my heart is broken lrl ). But i think leaving them in there would just be a waste of time space and electricy when i have other clones ready to flower. They will probably be ready for harvest around the same time because the other plant when from veg to bloom to veg and now back to bloom. I would be a little messed up to probably.

Ok thanks simpson420 for your info you provided me



Active Member
and woiuld you klnow why im getting these white bars on this site ...... they say " NAVIGATION TO THIS SITE HAS BEEN CANCLED) AND THEN WHEN I LOOK AT PICS THERE IS A WHITE BAR ACROSS THE PICS........WTF?????


Active Member
yeah thats prob it.... g13... thats just a company there any chances on hermies with fem seeds??? if theyr not fem or are hermies do the company send me more?
why do you think the base of my plants are small and they are wobbly i blew on one and it fell over......
do u have a fan blowing on them to make the stalks stronger? you might have to tie them up until they get stronger. Thats a floresent right? if so move rise them up to the light a bit more so they dont stretch for the light!


Well-Known Member
ok.. i think you have two seperate issues... both are affecting the plant in different ways and throwing things off...

1) the light leak has to get fixed... that much light will keep plants in a mix between trying to flower and trying to veg.. the result is super stretched plants, that look like they want to flower but wont, and could possibly turn hermie when it does finally flower... so try to get the flower room sealed up better..

2) you have nute issues.. when you go from veg to flower there are hormone changes in the plant.. a complete gear change.. but it takes a few weeks to do... bloom nutes need to be weened onto the plant, while veg nutes are weened off... this is because the plant cant use bloom nutes right away.. the actual nutes in it arent being utilized by the plant yet... its somewhat like when poeple switch some medications.. you have to gradually back off of one to start another... so that could easily throw your plants for a loop since you just start blasting bloom nutes... also, since they are sort of revegging, but still getting bloom nutes, they aren't getting what they need and cant use (they use some but its not the right ratios of what they need) what they are getting..

sometimes bloom nutes can contain more N than veg nutes... ask me why and i cant answer it.. but i think the N in bloom nutes is a different form of N than you get in veg nutes... which makes it easier for the plant to use during flowering...

personally, if you have clones ready to go, as much as this sucks, i would scrap the stretchy plants and just start the clones.. seal the room up really well so you dont have any light issues again.. work on transitioning the nutes from veg to bloom, and go from there... by the 3rd week of flowering you can be almost full strength bloom nutes.. just give them time to develope bud sites or even some flower before hitting them full strength...
Did you see the pics? ugly eh!! The light leak was fixed as soon as i noticed it. Yeah i think i'm going to get the clippers out(i dont even like cutting down a male and now i'm cutting a female my heart is broken lrl ). But i think leaving them in there would just be a waste of time space and electricy when i have other clones ready to flower. They will probably be ready for harvest around the same time because the other plant when from veg to bloom to veg and now back to bloom. I would be a little messed up to probably.

Ok thanks simpson420 for your info you provided me[/QUOTE]

yeah. and the chance for hermie is big.. which is never good.. better to cut your loses now and start over.. and believe me, over time it gets easier to cut down the shit plants.. i've had to do it with males, sick plants, mutants, and even some females that werent gonna make the cut.. its never a plesant feeling.. but you get numb to it..

HEY GOT ANNOTHER QUESTION i like the attitude site by the way......ok....FEMENIZED seeds.....that means if i get 5 i grow 5 females guaranteed?... hey and look up "blue venom" its blueberry/white widow..............mmmmmmmmmmmm(whats c13 labs??? just a company???
blue venom is a delicious looking strain...

yes.. fem'd seeds are for sure females... very very very rarely will you get a hermie... but never a male... just make sure the breeder you get the strain from is a reputable one.. some claim fem'd and send mixed..

and woiuld you klnow why im getting these white bars on this site ...... they say " NAVIGATION TO THIS SITE HAS BEEN CANCLED) AND THEN WHEN I LOOK AT PICS THERE IS A WHITE BAR ACROSS THE PICS........WTF?????
no idea??

why do you think the base of my plants are small and they are wobbly i blew on one and it fell over......
you should have a fan blowing a little air on/around them at all times.. not only does it circulate fresh air/co2 to them to breath and help keep them cool, but it also thickens up the stems nicely...

No idea there with the white bars
me either...

yeah thats prob it.... g13... thats just a company there any chances on hermies with fem seeds??? if theyr not fem or are hermies do the company send me more?
g13 is a strain also.. there is g13 labs which is a company.. great one actually.. amazing strains and genetics... and then there is g13 the strain.. amazing strain btw...

have you seen them or is it just me???? sorry guys i got a new bag and its almost like a speed high WTF????
i dont see em bro.. its the aliens man.. put on a tin foil hat and stay away from the windows.. lol


Well-Known Member
The government grew some G-13 in Alberta, Canada and they couldnt sell it because it was so they say in the high 50% THC and they made a big pile and burnt the shit. Now that would of been couch lock LOL
its not that high in thc.. not near that.. lol but it is good...

wheres the best place to buy some seeds i live in the US. so i dont wanna go to jail for some seeds huh

Just wondering if sum 1 can tell me how to put pics on this site, just joined lastnight. Much appreciated ;0)
dont click quick reply.. scroll to the bottom of the page.. click the advanced something option.. it'll take you to another screen where there are more options for your responses or whatever... click the little thing that looks like a paper clip on that screen.. and then upload your pics.. this will give you attachments that must be clicked to enlarge...

or upload pics into your album... go to my rollitup... albums.. start and album... upload your pics to there... and then copy the line that says BB code and post that in your thread... that will make the pics appear in the response...

or upload pics to somewhere like photobucket or another photo hosting site.. then copy and paste to here...


Hi everyone! I know I'm a newby (I've been growing for a few months) but I noticed the stinting to your plants and I'd like to make a suggestion: instead of the messy "popsicle and string" method, try cutting a clear drinking straw down to a few inches and then cut it x1 the long way - it will hold the plant rigid, allow for light, air, water, and nutrients to pass through, will not hinder the growth of the stem, and are the cheapest and best thing I've found so far. I've also found there's less chance of me breaking a stem or branch off using the straws; maybe I'm just all thumbs.


Well-Known Member
had a reply that the bases of the stalks are small cause the soil doesnt have "pertle..?" and its chilly in there
perlite has nothing to do with anything stem/stalk related.. perlite is used for aeration.. it is important as a soil additive as it allows for proper drainage, water retention, and aeration.. but it has nothing at all to do with how thick your stem should be...

how chilly is chilly?? cooler air holds more co2.. which is good.. but you want to try to keep temps above 60... 70 is ideal..

Hi everyone! I know I'm a newby (I've been growing for a few months) but I noticed the stinting to your plants and I'd like to make a suggestion: instead of the messy "popsicle and string" method, try cutting a clear drinking straw down to a few inches and then cut it x1 the long way - it will hold the plant rigid, allow for light, air, water, and nutrients to pass through, will not hinder the growth of the stem, and are the cheapest and best thing I've found so far. I've also found there's less chance of me breaking a stem or branch off using the straws; maybe I'm just all thumbs.
nice idea....


New problem. going to start flowering in a week and i have been hit with powder mold. I sprayed safer fungicide (the sulfur one) and i noticed it definently helped. I installed some more fans as well.

Right now i have noticed that some leaves are dying on the bottom of each plant. maybe one leaf for each plant today. maybe not enough light. im growing in a fridge.

i also noticed some brown stains on some leaves. i think this might be the fingicide bein burnt? what do you think. ill try to get pics up later

i want to clone my purple urke, today but is there anything i should do to them because of the powder mildew problem?


Well-Known Member
a man so i looked at my compost and i found wrom tea in it is it good if i use it on my plants
yeah.. that would be full of nutrients...

New problem. going to start flowering in a week and i have been hit with powder mold. I sprayed safer fungicide (the sulfur one) and i noticed it definently helped. I installed some more fans as well.

Right now i have noticed that some leaves are dying on the bottom of each plant. maybe one leaf for each plant today. maybe not enough light. im growing in a fridge.

i also noticed some brown stains on some leaves. i think this might be the fingicide bein burnt? what do you think. ill try to get pics up later

i want to clone my purple urke, today but is there anything i should do to them because of the powder mildew problem?
hard to say what it is without pics.. but i would guess its adverse affects from the spray.. how long have the leaves been fallen off??? im sure the stains are from the spray..

as long as the mildew is taken care of you are fine to clone..

Thx simpsonsampson420 ;0)