Forbes; Booming Pot Industry Is Draining the U.S. Energy Supply

Should something be done to encourage the marijuana industry to be more energy efficient?

  • Yes, tax excessive power use

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • Yes, subsidize the purchase of efficient equipment

    Votes: 18 32.1%
  • No, there's enough industry regulation already!

    Votes: 28 50.0%

  • Total voters
From what I've read most of those large illegal grows on state or federal land that steal water and pollute and trash the area are run by the Mexican cartels with illegals guarding them. Not sure what that has to do with legal indoor grows using too much electricity.
Really? you want to make that comparison?
Industry that provides revenue to the country and supports it infrastructure, is forced to comply with environmental standards and provide untold numbers of jobs to working families is more detrimental than...

a bunch of 16-55 year old kids that have destroyed northern California with garbage and eutrofied water systems and continue to abuse horrible pesticides all in the pursuit of a recreational drug for personal use, no regulation, wasteful, immature "pot"growers.

I have witnessed first hand the calloused disregard for others, theft of electricity, destruction of property ("modifications" to rented grow houses", illegal pesticide use on "organic" plants, dumping of hundreds of plastic bags and nute bottles and soooo many other terrible things growers do on a daily basis.... growers should not be allowed to do "whatever they want" we obviously NEED regulation because we clearly cant handle ourselves.

point the finger of blame where it belongs. At the people that insist on keeping cannabis in prohibition.
Yep, let a free market sort the mess out. Legalize it across the board, most commercial grade will be grown in greeenhouses and outdoors, using mostly sun. Top shelf can still be grown indoors. Prohibition is wasting untold power and resources. Growers are producing an actual product that is in demand, a rare thing...

+1 turn our backs on politics. Both right and left are corrupt money printers buying votes and selling power. Notice Bernie and Trump solutions require the application of big government force. Looks like economic mother nature will have the last laugh but for now, COBs
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Even if the indoor scene uses alot of electricity its no big deal in my eyes. The real polluter in our country is has and will be vehicles. In a 100 light grow if 100% of the electric was coal fired I bet it's still less co2 than 5 soccer mom's driving there SUV every where. Give me a break. The whole extra load on the grid horse shit is that. Just think about it. If this place is using that much electricity then the electrical company is making money...... Upgrade the system damn. That would be like me complaining that I can't sleep because of all the orders I have to fill.......... Doesn't sound like anything to complain about to me. We should however strive to save our resources at all times not just in lighting but in every day life period point blank. Anyone that complains about it's not necessary doesnt need to look far in there own lives to see all kinds of unnecessary things they do that also contributes to the "problem"..... Al Gore and his book..... All while having electric bills in excess of 1000 per month here in TN where electric at the time was .06-.07 kwh. Hes a fucking joke. All these asswipes telling us " peasants " we need to stop using so much while flying around in private jets......
Another thing,rather than sending my taxes to Israel and all over the mid-east in bombs to make the Rothchilds more money,how about using it to rebuild our infrastructure. We have been at war in Afghanistan and Iraq for almost 15 years now. Both wars were started by the U.S. under false pretenses.How many power plants could have been built. Let's face it our so called government leaders are puppets,they take their orders from who pays them most. They are hell bent on destroying our country and blaming it on average Joe.
Another thing,rather than sending my taxes to Israel and all over the mid-east in bombs to make the Rothchilds more money,how about using it to rebuild our infrastructure. We have been at war in Afghanistan and Iraq for almost 15 years now. Both wars were started by the U.S. under false pretenses.How many power plants could have been built. Let's face it our so called government leaders are puppets,they take their orders from who pays them most. They are hell bent on destroying our country and blaming it on average Joe.
Oligarchy, neither republican or democratic, just fascist.
Exactly correct; the intentional illusion of choice.
It's actually dollar fascism...and that completes the circle of why cannabis power consumption and its worries are bit of a red herring to say the least...

For one, the Denver report was a recent similar report and the last line at the bottom of the article said something along the lines of, even though cannabis growing indoors is increasing, it accounts for 2% of electrical use in Denver....Two fucking percent! Thats like taking a dollar and setting aside Two of the pennies and making the biggest stink over them, ambiguously. It fails logic,when dissected, lol.

Then the same kind of stink in California, just pertaining to the water usage issue, while not mentioning that a single almond tree in the upper Valley uses about 867,000 gallons of water a year per tree and California is the US if not the worlds single largest producer of almonds.

I still haven't seen a breakdown of KWH comparison's to makes sense of the non-sense ! :)
Another thing,rather than sending my taxes to Israel and all over the mid-east in bombs to make the Rothchilds more money,how about using it to rebuild our infrastructure. We have been at war in Afghanistan and Iraq for almost 15 years now. Both wars were started by the U.S. under false pretenses.How many power plants could have been built. Let's face it our so called government leaders are puppets,they take their orders from who pays them most. They are hell bent on destroying our country and blaming it on average Joe.
What's changed? That's the sad part, I am 35 and even I realize this shit has been going on a long long long time, before now. Fuck it grow so much cannabis that rainbows shoot out their asses !
I think subsidizing the purchase of COB lighting technology would be bad ass and make a lot of sense. I am on board with COB tech all the way

LETS BE REAL, Subsidizing energy efficient options should just be the standard in EVERY industry, with priority put on the larger competitors.

I don't know if it was mentioned but the data industry definitely uses more power than growers. A friend of mine continuously runs an asic computer at 2000watts-- cooling not included. He's an individual mining bitcoins as a hobby basically cause lord knows the profitable days are over. I know Google, Amazon, FB, other big names are extremely energy efficient because they have been made to do so. However there are --hundreds-- of IT companies in the US and MOST of them are no where near the efficiency of Google, Amazon etc. Mind blowing. They have work to do.

The fact that someone would consider calls for improved energy efficiency a "fear" campaign is a testament to just how out of touch and paranoid people can get when they worry too much. It's not an attack on growers it's a demand for innovation that benefits our industry and the planet

The water usage of an almond tree just blew my mind, I knew they were water intensive but damn. Biotech needs to get on that.
I think subsidizing the purchase of COB lighting technology would be bad ass and make a lot of sense. I am on board with COB tech all the way

LETS BE REAL, Subsidizing energy efficient options should just be the standard in EVERY industry, with priority put on the larger competitors.

I don't know if it was mentioned but the data industry definitely uses more power than growers. A friend of mine continuously runs an asic computer at 2000watts-- cooling not included. He's an individual mining bitcoins as a hobby basically cause lord knows the profitable days are over. I know Google, Amazon, FB, other big names are extremely energy efficient because they have been made to do so. However there are --hundreds-- of IT companies in the US and MOST of them are no where near the efficiency of Google, Amazon etc. Mind blowing. They have work to do.

The fact that someone would consider calls for improved energy efficiency a "fear" campaign is a testament to just how out of touch and paranoid people can get when they worry too much. It's not an attack on growers it's a demand for innovation that benefits our industry and the planet

The water usage of an almond tree just blew my mind, I knew they were water intensive but damn. Biotech needs to get on that.

Power companies are already offering subsidies for efficient lighting and HVAC. The fifty thousand square foot grow on here got a healthy kickback for the purchase of their 315W CMH lights.
Oops lol I'm guilty of living under a rock, that's badass though. Just makes sense.

How about that- a good idea for saving energy and the environment that's already been implemented and showing success! Might start a trend or something if we're not careful!
Here, the electric car is becaming the sign of an indoor pot grower. The PG&E gives big discounts for them. In some cases paying for the car and still saving hundreds.

Smart, all the way around. I'd like to be one of them, someday. Want me a Tesla!