Former President Trump fires patriots in charge of the military and replaces them with yes men


Well-Known Member
Trust Trump to give us a dramatic exit. He's firing all the top leaders in the Pentagon and replacing them with people who are loyal to him. I'm not saying a military coup is in the works but this is how one can be accomplished. Four top officials have been fired and replaced with Trump loyalists.

The crisis at the top of the Pentagon is just beginning

It’s becoming clear that President Trump’s firing of Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper by tweet Monday was only the first step in an effort to remove the entire top Defense Department leadership team and replace it with officials loyal to the president. As more and more senior Pentagon officials lose their jobs, all eyes are on Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley, who has fallen out of favor with many inside the White House.

On Tuesday, the purge widened dramatically as the White House asked for the resignations of three more top Pentagon officials: Undersecretary of Defense for Policy John Anderson, Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Joseph Kernan and Pentagon Chief of Staff Jen Stewart. All three are being replaced by staffers more loyal to Trump’s political agenda. Officials said Deputy Secretary of Defense David Norquist could be the next White House target for dismissal.

Several officials told me that a group of Trump loyalists is seizing the opportunity to purge the Pentagon (and several other agencies) largely without close supervision from the president, who remains focused on fighting the outcome of the election. By installing themselves in top jobs, these officials are stalling the transition, settling scores and advancing their own ambitions.
Many officials in the agencies they are taking over are also now wondering whether the loyalists’ plan includes helping Trump resist leaving office.
The United States was never supposed to have a standing army to begin with. Fire them all. Bring every soldier home and leave the world alone.
I can’t see the military following trump in a coup. Constitution or not.

If a coup is attempted trump’s reign will end in a most violent manner and the perpetrator of said violence will be a true patriot.
Yes, I'm kind of stunned at what Trump is doing to our military. He was stymied this summer by top military leaders refusing to cooperate with him in his attempted purges in US cities. They were following the law and the constitution but that doesn't make any difference to either him or his supporters. I think he saw their refusal as an act of disobedience. I also think that he's only now doing what he would have done if he had gained another four years, the difference being, he won't have time to cement his hold on the military.

He is having difficulty coming to terms with losing the election. His first gambit, to claim fraud, is being refuted by every state in this country. So, that's going nowhere. Now this. Firing top millitary leadership and replacing them with unqualified but Trump-loyal officers. It is a sinister move, even if we have difficulty believing the military will act as if he were king or dictator and not president. A very harmful move in any regard but that's what it's like having Trump for prez.

So, it's a very interesting move. It might just be about power-brokering or saber rattling to gain an upper hand in negotiations with the Biden team and Congressional Democrats. I posted this so that we can follow events on this subject.
Yes, I'm kind of stunned at what Trump is doing to our military. He was stymied this summer by top military leaders refusing to cooperate with him in his attempted purges in US cities. They were following the law and the constitution but that doesn't make any difference to either him or his supporters. I think he saw their refusal as an act of disobedience. I also think that he's only now doing what he would have done if he had gained another four years, the difference being, he won't have time to cement his hold on the military.

He is having difficulty coming to terms with losing the election. His first gambit, to claim fraud, is being refuted by every state in this country. So, that's going nowhere. Now this. Firing top millitary leadership and replacing them with unqualified but Trump-loyal officers. It is a sinister move, even if we have difficulty believing the military will act as if he were king or dictator and not president. A very harmful move in any regard but that's what it's like having Trump for prez.

So, it's a very interesting move. It might just be about power-brokering or saber rattling to gain an upper hand in negotiations with the Biden team and Congressional Democrats. I posted this so that we can follow events on this subject.
I think after joe is president elect in Dec officially, he will make a point of making whole those government and military people fired or harmed under Trump for upholding their oaths of office, he will make a list, I would. Others like Vindman should get the CMH, why not MacArthur got it for being an idiot, he was in uniform when he testified and in uniform when he and his brother were frog marched out in public. Many, many medals of freedom, get extra minted for those who shone. Good deeds should be honored, rewarded and recognized, as bad ones are punished and excoriated. This episode of American history had it's heroes and heels, time to start separating the sheep from the goats.
He is Trying to make the U.S vulnerable and hoping Someone, "Vlad or Kim" Will strike, I really don't think he cares about Us he just wants to melt down anything and everything.

Those Who Voted for him will be caught right along with us in the conflict if there is any. What more do we need to see before we just throw that fucker out !~~!

For you that are standing behind him don't understand the danger he's putting us all in right now. This is Crazy Scary !!
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He is Trying to make the U.S vulnerable and hoping Someone, "Vlad or Kim" to strike, I really don't think he cares about Us he just wants to melt down anything and everything.

Those Who Voted for him will be caught right along with us in the conflict if there is any. What more do we need to see before we just throw that fucker out !~~!

For you that are standing behind him don't understand the danger he's putting us all in right now. This is Crazy Scary !!
He will be a repeat of Hitler in the bunker:

"On March 19, Hitler then promulgated a special decree titled “Destructive Measures on Reich Territory.” Otherwise remembered as the “Scorched Earth Decree” or “Nero Decree,” for the brutal Roman Emperor Nero (ruled 54-68 C.E.), the order mandated the destruction of Germany's infrastructure"
The military does not have to obey an illegal order.

That's really funny. Name the part of the Constitution that says there's supposed to be a standing army.
Name the last military general that refused to go to illegal "not wars" in Korea, Viet Nam, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. etc.

Duuuude, do you even Smedley Butler !!???

Watch it Rob they is paying a million bucks if anybody can bag big foot and I got my eye on you! I'll have to use a dart gun and a taser, don't wanna damage the pelt. Looks like a 12 gauge with a hypo dart.

Bigfoot bounty: Olympia Beer offers $1 million reward for safe capture of a Sasquatch

Finding Bigfoot could pay off big time.

A beer maker in Washington state has offered a $1 million reward to anyone who can do what has eluded mankind for generations: snaring a living Sasquatch.

Evan and Daren Metropoulos, owners of Pabst Brewing Company and Olympia Beer, have offered to pay $25,000 a year for the next four decades to the person who can reel in a live Bigfoot.

"We have been sharing the same backyard for over a century and we believe it's time to do what has never been done, and that is to offer a one million dollar reward to anyone who can ensure the safe capture of Bigfoot," the company said on its website.

In order to win the prize, contestants must produce "irrefutable evidence" of the creature's existence, and out-of-focus footage taken on a Super 8 camera will not suffice.

"Evidence may include, but is not limited to DNA Evidence," the contest rules state. "DNA Evidence may include hair, blood, tissue or saliva that proves the DNA sequence of the donor shows that said donor resides in the primate evolutionary family tree, among other apes or hominids, but does not have the same genetic markers and DNA sequence as any known species."
Hey Rob
Watch it Rob they is paying a million bucks if anybody can bag big foot and I got my eye on you! I'll have to use a dart gun and a taser, don't wanna damage the pelt. Looks like a 12 gauge with a hypo dart.

Bigfoot bounty: Olympia Beer offers $1 million reward for safe capture of a Sasquatch

Finding Bigfoot could pay off big time.

A beer maker in Washington state has offered a $1 million reward to anyone who can do what has eluded mankind for generations: snaring a living Sasquatch.

Evan and Daren Metropoulos, owners of Pabst Brewing Company and Olympia Beer, have offered to pay $25,000 a year for the next four decades to the person who can reel in a live Bigfoot.

"We have been sharing the same backyard for over a century and we believe it's time to do what has never been done, and that is to offer a one million dollar reward to anyone who can ensure the safe capture of Bigfoot," the company said on its website.

In order to win the prize, contestants must produce "irrefutable evidence" of the creature's existence, and out-of-focus footage taken on a Super 8 camera will not suffice.

"Evidence may include, but is not limited to DNA Evidence," the contest rules state. "DNA Evidence may include hair, blood, tissue or saliva that proves the DNA sequence of the donor shows that said donor resides in the primate evolutionary family tree, among other apes or hominids, but does not have the same genetic markers and DNA sequence as any known species."
Hey Rob were having a BBQ.....
That's really funny. Name the part of the Constitution that says there's supposed to be a standing army.
Name the last military general that refused to go to illegal "not wars" in Korea, Viet Nam, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. etc.

Duuuude, do you even Smedley Butler !!???

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Fuck Smedley, there is a reason he is a nobody that nobody remembers, but idiots. You go where Uncle Sam tells ya and you fucking well do what he says when you get there, sue me. Tell it to the Sargent and he'll run yer ass until you barf up yesterday's breakfast.

Though they would have enrolled you in McNamara's 100,000 before you died in Nam.
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