Former President Trump fires patriots in charge of the military and replaces them with yes men

That's really funny. Name the part of the Constitution that says there's supposed to be a standing army.
Name the last military general that refused to go to illegal "not wars" in Korea, Viet Nam, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. etc.

Duuuude, do you even Smedley Butler !!???

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Hard not to agree when you’re right: Though it’s not accurate to say that Gen. Butler “didn’t go”, he could only speak with such savage authority because HE DID GO. And the relationship between a standing army and our “second amendment remedies” is the hypocrisy of convenience: the 2nd has NO LEGITIMATE EXISTENCE IN A NATION WITH A STANDING ARMY. Wandering groups of well-armed, aggrieved fat assholes do not constitute militia: a militia should be a cohesive military unit or it’s a fraud - a runaway slave patrol under color of law, in a nation that supposedly no longer has slave.

None of that means, however, that Trump’s Pentgnal dicking isn’t a prelude to an attempted coup; in fact, there’s absolutely no reason to pretend it’s not. All of those asked to resign who DID resign are suspect: honorable men in their position should have made him fire them - either they feel a duty and stick by it, or they do NOT.
We can hope that it means nothing, but we’ve watched Republicans, fundamentalist Christian leaders, and “conservatives” in general brainwash not ONE generation, but THREE...and it started right at the same moment we stopped teaching civics in grade school.
Jim Himes Believes ‘We Are Witnessing The Decapitation Of The American National Security Apparatus’

Congressman from Connecticut and member of the House Intelligence Committee Jim Himes blasts the president’s refusal to accept the reality that he lost re-election, and expresses concerns over the shakeup at the Pentagon, because he says the changes leave us vulnerable to our adversaries.
Well as much as I wish it wasn't the case, there is something to us being able to witness in real time how strong our democracy will hopefully prove to be.

We got through the first three(?) major hurdles. Comey/Obama didn't haul in and arrest a political advisory running for office when it became clearer that that candidate (Trump) was working with foreign militaries but was not proven by the time of the election. We made it through all 4 years of a criminal presidency. And the citizenry have proven their ability to overcome a would be dictator and voted Trump out of office.
our “second amendment remedies” is the hypocrisy of convenience: the 2nd has NO LEGITIMATE EXISTENCE IN A NATION WITH A STANDING ARMY

Legitimate is an interesting word and sometimes has a flexible meaning depending on who is using it.

The right to use defensive force via stick, stone, tooth, claw or gun doesn't come from a piece of paper or 2nd amendment. It exists and always will, even if it is "legitimately" silenced by some form of legal horse shit.

Smedley Butler ain't my hero, but he nailed the idea that war is a racket. Gun control would lead to unintended consequences, many of them negative and deadly. Not to mention the people who insist you can't have guns, will use offensive force, (with guns) to ensure you can't have guns. Sort of a contradiction, which is an embedded feature in all things government.
What is his end game? Fog is right to bring this to light as a talking point, I t’s a very concerning development. Stacking the deck just before losing your bankroll is exactly what he’s doing. The question is will it work? I doubt it will cause nothing more than cementing his legacy and that of his fellow ball lickers as losers and sycophants, but don’t lose sight that almost half of your population idolizes him. Nothing is off the table IMO that they won’t try. Seems ironic their not complaining the ballots for the senate are fraudulent, just the part about the president ......... I for one am in awe at this shit show. Keep safe!!!
While making decisions as a country it has to be determined if other countries want to destroy us. Hence the reason for a standing army. Sometimes going into other countries is for other than normal white reasons. Not every "war" is due to minerals etc. Sometimes helping a country is strategic. But you have to understand the capitalism requires more consumers. Without more consumers it dies. The system cannot sustain itself. Consumption and greed go hand in hand. And of course the greedy will always rise to the top. That's what they spend most of their day thinking about. Potheads think about pot all day. Welcome to reality. Rob Roy probably lives his life by his standards. Any government social security or any other funds that he doesn't believe in he won't except. Yeah.
What is his end game? Fog is right to bring this to light as a talking point, I t’s a very concerning development. Stacking the deck just before losing your bankroll is exactly what he’s doing. The question is will it work? I doubt it will cause nothing more than cementing his legacy and that of his fellow ball lickers as losers and sycophants, but don’t lose sight that almost half of your population idolizes him. Nothing is off the table IMO that they won’t try. Seems ironic their not complaining the ballots for the senate are fraudulent, just the part about the president ......... I for one am in awe at this shit show. Keep safe!!!

That is the number that voted for Trump, not half. And a big part of that will be more that they hate Democrats/Libs than they love Trump.

That is the number that voted for Trump, not half. And a big part of that will be more that they hate Democrats/Libs than they love Trump.
Don't sugar coat it, 72 Americans are moral failures almost half of the voting population, the popular vote spread was only around 5 million so far. There is hope with the youth and people evolving, but make no mistake, if it wasn't for covid and Biden (the only one who could have won) Trump would have won the election in spite of it all. Covid was the best thing that could have happened to America, killing off a half million might just save you, trust me Trump would have killed far more than that even with out covid.

You lost seats in the house and the senate is 2 seats and a fight away. Nothing but racism and bigotry could have possibly brought you to this point of being close to a failed state. Everything else is a proxy, from the cult of the individual, guns, culture wars and even abortion. You cannot compromise with them, you must defeat them, they are fascists, even if they are your relatives, it is what it is. If you think you can compromise with them, who are you willing to sell out? Because that will be a requirement.
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Don't sugar coat it, 72 Americans are moral failures almost half of the voting population, the popular vote spread was only around 5 million so far. There is hope with the youth and people evolving, but make no mistake, if it wasn't for covid and Biden (the only one who could have won) Trump would have won the election in spite of it all. Covid was the best think that could have happened to America, killing off a half million might just save you, trust me Trump would have killed far more than that even with out covid.

You lost seats in the house and the senate is 2 seats and fight away. Nothing but racism and bigotry could have possibly brought you to this point of being close to a failed state. Everything else is a proxy, from the cult of the individual, guns, culture wars and even abortion. You cannot compromise with them, you must defeat them, they are fascists, even if they are your relatives, it is what it is. If you think you can compromise with them, who are you willing to sell out? Because that will be a requirement.
Because you said so?

I don't buy into your narrative.
72 American's here is your boy. Donald's days of dealing are done, no deals, no compromises, charge every single crime, I don't care if there are 100,000 felonies, charge and try him for every single one. Law & Order, no one is above the law, ALL the laws. I don't think you should be "practical" here at all, charge and try every crime separately and no concurrent sentences either. I'm sure Joe's AG pick will have something in mind, but his voters MUST have their noses rubbed in Donald for a decade, I don't really give a fuck about their feelings and neither should you..
No Protection For Trump From Cases Awaiting His Presidency's End | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Joyce Vance, former U.S. attorney, talks about Donald Trump's legal and criminal vulnerability once he's out of office, including to cases known to be under way by New York Attorney General Latisha James and Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance.

That is the number that voted for Trump, not half. And a big part of that will be more that they hate Democrats/Libs than they love Trump.

You might have a point there. I mean even dead people liked Biden so much they managed to vote for him!
Because you said so?

I don't buy into your narrative.
Like it or not it is an accurate picture of the situation and a practical paradigm, it fits the known facts. I'm an optimist, but I'm more of a realist, I do know a thing about right and wrong and what it takes to survive as a community or a country. Joe has his work cut out and I understand and support his efforts, it is the smart way forward, but no one should forget who and what they are dealing with and the depths they will plummet to.

I'm a liberal democrat and these people are not, they are controlled by racism and bigotry, chucked democracy, went fascist and it shows, you will know them by there actions, votes are actions, not words. I don't respect these people and will manipulate them no differently than Trump, so will the democrats.
You might have a point there. I mean even dead people liked Biden so much they managed to vote for him!
Because Trump and his troll army told you so?

I didn't realize Squatches were so gullible.

Like it or not it is an accurate picture of the situation and a practical paradigm, it fits the known facts. I'm an optimist, but I'm more of a realist, I do know a thing about right and wrong and what it takes to survive as a community or a country. Joe has his work cut out and I understand and support his efforts, it is the smart way forward, but no one should forget who and what they are dealing with and the depths they will plummet to.

I'm a liberal democrat and these people are not, they are controlled by racism and bigotry, chucked democracy, went fascist and it shows, you will know them by there actions, votes are actions, not words. I don't respect these people and will manipulate them no differently than Trump, so will the democrats.
Nah, you are spewing bullshit about a lot of people that are being tricked into thinking Trump is a good idea, while talking shit about America.

When we just showed the world how well our system works as we just ousted a would be dictator in the ballot box.
Because Trump and his troll army told you so?

I didn't realize Squatches were so gullible.

Nah, you are spewing bullshit about a lot of people that are being tricked into thinking Trump is a good idea, while talking shit about America.

When we just showed the world how well our system works as we just ousted a would be dictator in the ballot box.
Congratulations by getting away by the skin of Uncle Sam's teeth and the grace of covid. It's time to stop blaming the Russians, they merely held up a mirror for the most part and tipped the scale in 2016. Sure they are an issue, but one the experts and policy can solve. It's the historic social problem of not just racism, but the conditioned sense white supremacy that is the cement that holds the aggregate of grievance together. A glance at the voting demographics and geographic distribution, says it all. It's demographic changes as well as evolving social factors that are breaking up the solid south and hold hope for the future.

I said before this "war" for the soul of your nation breaks down into what I call strategy and tactics, to borrow the real war metaphor. Diplomacy is war by other means and so is politics, non violent social war and the battle field is hearts and minds, the weapons are empathy and reason.

Tactics is the fight on the ground to get and hold power and it might involve driving Donald nuts so they can win in Georgia and all the other honorable and acceptable things involved in such a fight. Strategy is Joe level work, reducing social stress so reason can prevail, finding the source of genuine grievances and addressing them. This part of the war is fought the same way you fight terrorists, cause that is what you are doing, fighting political terrorists. How did peace come to Ireland and even Canada and Quebec? By cutting extremists off from the support of reasonable people in the middle.

Joe's problem is the only ones left to convince are racists and they are very unreasonable people. Fortunately reduced stress, sense of threat and addressing of grievances, will cause these "propensities" to have less of an effect on their moral judgement. Time, introspection and personal growth and evolution will cause some of Trumps support to fall away. Millions of new voters are spawned each cycle and millions die with their attitudes and most of the new ones will learn of these times firsthand and the narrative taught will be an honest one taught from a liberal perspective by largely liberal women.

I'm an optimist, especially long term, but I'm a realist in that I apprehend the danger of the current situation and the fact that many of you live with these people. To change hearts and minds you must first start with the heart, George Floyd's slow motion murder didn't just shock, it reached into their chests and grabbed them by the heart and that is what opened up their minds to facts. The Lincoln Project always sets the mood or "feeling" before the narrative, you have to know how people work to manipulate them to act against their conditioned propensities. Donald needs no skill or perception to blow the dog whistle into the bullhorn and a moron could do that, it takes no brains to spread hate.
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Congratulations by getting away by the skin of Uncle Sam's teeth and the grace of covid. It's time to stop blaming the Russians, they merely held up a mirror for the most part and tipped the scale in 2016. Sure they are an issue, but one the experts and policy can solve. It's the historic social problem of not just racism, but the conditioned sense white supremacy that is the cement that holds the aggregate of grievance together. A glance at the voting demographics and geographic distribution, says it all. It's demographic changes as well as evolving social factors that are breaking up the solid south and hold hope for the future.

I said before this "war" for the soul of your nation breaks down into what I call strategy and tactics, to borrow the real war metaphor. Diplomacy is war by other means and so is politics, non violent social war and the battle field is hearts and minds, the weapons are empathy and reason.

Tactics is the fight on the ground to get and hold power and it might involve driving Donald nuts so they can win in Georgia and all the other honorable and acceptable things involved in such a fight. Strategy is Joe level work, reducing social stress so reason can prevail, finding the source of genuine grievances and addressing them. This part of the war is fought the same way you fight terrorists, cause that is what you are doing, fighting political terrorists. How did peace come to Ireland and even Canada and Quebec? By cutting extremists off from the support of reasonable people in the middle.

Joe's problem is the only ones left to convince are racists and they are very unreasonable people. Fortunately reduced stress, sense of threat and addressing of grievances, will cause these "propensities" to have less of an effect on their moral judgement. Time, introspection and personal growth and evolution will cause some of Trumps support to fall away. Millions of new voters are spawned each cycle and millions die with their attitudes and most of the new ones will learn of these times firsthand and the narrative taught will be an honest one taught from a liberal perspective by largely liberal women.

I'm an optimist, especially long term, but I'm a realist in that I apprehend the danger of the current situation and the fact that many of you live with these people. To change hearts and minds you must first start with the heart, George Floyd's slow motion murder didn't just shock, it reached into their chests and grabbed them by the heart and that is what opened up their minds to facts. The Lincoln Project always sets the mood or "feeling" before the narrative, you have to know how people work to manipulate them to act against their conditioned propensities. Donald needs no skill or perception to blow the dog whistle into the bullhorn and moron could do that, it takes no brains to spread hate.
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Have you prescribed some Hydroxiwhatever lately?
Not a very good response or argument. Look for the solutions by identifying the problems and being HONEST with yourself, learn or die.
Sure, you want me to go point by point with all the bullshit you can spam?

No thanks.

Was going to find a good 'been there done that' meme, but really whats the point.

I think if you really want to do this run around again, maybe you should actually show your work, because talk is cheap. If you re-read your post, pick out a few things you think are the reality and we can try again. Because like I said before I will trust you for what you say you are, and can appreciate that maybe it is time for you to do some self reflecting if you actually believe what you wrote.
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Sure, you want me to go point by point with all the bullshit you can spam?

No thanks.

Was going to find a good 'been there done that' meme, but really whats the point.

I think if you really want to do this run around again, maybe you should actually show your work, because talk is cheap. If you re-read your post, pick out a few things you think are the reality and we can try again. Because like I said before I will trust you for what you say you are, and can appreciate that maybe it is time for you to do some self reflecting if you actually believe what you wrote.
Here is another reality check Perry Mason. Don't worry about Trump's dishonesty if you won't deal with your own and your relatives in your own backyard. Ad hominem attacks are not reasoned argument, the thread was an effort to help with your pathetic attempt to control a pandemic locally with nothing coming from Trump but trouble, notice the dates, it wasn't hard to read the writing on the wall with a die at home statement to old folks from the governor in your own state at the time and an expected overwhelming of hospitals with desperate people. Trump made America a failed state with covid, most African "shithole" countries did far better, there is more than enough shame to go around.

Here is another reality check Perry Mason. Don't worry about Trump's dishonesty if you won't deal with your own and your relatives in your own backyard. Ad hominem attacks are not reasoned argument, the thread was an effort to help with your pathetic attempt to control a pandemic locally with nothing coming from Trump but trouble, notice the dates, it wasn't hard to read the writing on the wall with die at home statement to old folks from the governor in your own state at the time and an expected overwhelming of hospitals and desperate people. Trump made America a failed state with covid, most African "shithole" countries did far better, there is more than enough shame to go around.

Trump was shit, not something Ive ever questioned.

Nice addition of your bullshit into it though, real subtle.