Former President Trump fires patriots in charge of the military and replaces them with yes men

Well this has all taken an interesting turn....

Not entirely willing to call half the citizenry “moral failures”; as pointed out earlier, they have been aggressively brainwashed at work and at church for decades...and while racism and bigotry are key to what’s been happening, it’s all in service to the wealthy racists and bigots who decided in the 1950s that *they* were not going to integrate the schools, *they* were not going to let their taxes be used to integrate their schools, *they* were not going to let their children attend integrated schools. They were the ones who gave birth to the notion that “taxation is theft”, and they gave financial and political support to an economic school that is frankly covert and Leninist in its actions and its policies. That economic school has remained hidden by design, but it the the school that has been behind the transformation of the GOP from ‘actual’ conservatives to a racist, elitist, and intentionally gaslighting political machine, whose roots, founders, and actors have only recently come to light and are still pretty unknown.

The researcher who uncovered this rolling coup is Nancy McLean, and her book is “Democracy in Chains”. In it, she documents the formation, development, and ‘progress’ of this “rich man’s secret revolution”, naming names, providing the cast of characters and establishing the timeline for its activities...all based on reams of original documentation. I strongly recommend that EVERYONE who cares about “what happens next” and “how we got here” read her book - it is indispensable, illuminating, and, frankly, shocking...but I can tell you that it has filled in many gaps that I have uncovered in my half-century of research and investigation, and contradicts *nothing* that my research has revealed.

Here is a video presentation providing an overview by the author, and a link to the book itself:

The problem of how we bring ourselves back from our current situation is urgent: it deserves all our attention, and every bit of understanding we can muster. It’s hard, for example, to imagine how we recover a full third of our population from the most comprehensive brainwashing effort since the Catholic Church controlled and miseducated all of Europe along with the native populations of the ‘new world’, but it must be done if we’re to avoid a blood bath that makes the pogroms of history seem like garden parties.
Greed has used hate and fear to it's own ends, divide and conquer people by using their bigotry and hatred against them is a very old trick. It is part of the soci/polical dynamic of America, just ask the Koch brothers, except one is in Hell, if there is one.
Because you say so?


You mean your hating on America shit?

Whose Them? You switch around so much it is impossible to follow what you write half the time.

You go gross a lot btw. Is that on purpose? Like some little shock of peoples sensibilities so they turn the channel kind of thing?


I thought it was a great narrative and you really should stop making excuses for these deplorable people.
Enough needling Americans to get them off the sugar high and back to the grindstone, there's Georgia folks, it ain't over!
Trump is "Dejected" & "Fuming" Over Election Results

Trump is reportedly feeling down about his current situation, took time in his extremely busy schedule to have lunch with VP Mike Pence, took aim at Fox News on Twitter, Jimmy suggests that maybe Trump should just become President of Alaska, GOP Senators are starting to agree that Joe Biden should be getting intelligence briefings, Scott Baio got an exciting retweet from Trump himself, a new Trump Election Fraud Hotline that you definitely should NOT prank call… (202) 499-4921, Cory Lewandowski tested positive for COVID, flying cars are coming to Florida, and a new sitcom from Trump & Biden.
Enough needling Americans to get them off the sugar high and back to the grindstone, there's Georgia folks, it ain't over!
I understand your disappointment and I sympathize

Regarding the grindstone - we never left it.

I don’t know how versed in Georgia politics you are, but don’t gloss over the fact that there are TWO Dem candidates in runoff for the senate - this hasn’t happened since the Dixiecrats merged with the GOP. Consider, too, that Warnock polled higher in the election than a Loeffler, Collins, and ALL the others running for the Isaakson seat. Exactly the same turnout between only those two candidates, Warnock has ALREADY beat Loeffler...and NO ONE will take that for granted. There will be turnout for the runoff like never before in GA history. I have family and friends in Georgia, several of them in office, and the enthusiasm is at a high pitch, and building...and neither Loeffler nor Perdue have done themselves favors by attacking the Republican Secretary of State this week & calling for his resignation for ‘mishandling the election’. By Georgia standards, Loeffler is a carpetbagger who married into money, and Perdue is a powdered dandy who has never been available to voters who can’t afford to underwrite his fundraising - not even by calling his office (truth). I will be surprised if *together* they can inspire enough turnout to keep those seats red.

just so you know.
I understand your disappointment and I sympathize

Regarding the grindstone - we never left it.

I don’t know how versed in Georgia politics you are, but don’t gloss over the fact that there are TWO Dem candidates in runoff for the senate - this hasn’t happened since the Dixiecrats merged with the GOP. Consider, too, that Warnock polled higher in the election than a Loeffler, Collins, and ALL the others running for the Isaakson seat. Exactly the same turnout between only those two candidates, Warnock has ALREADY beat Loeffler...and NO ONE will take that for granted. There will be turnout for the runoff like never before in GA history. I have family and friends in Georgia, several of them in office, and the enthusiasm is at a high pitch, and building...and neither Loeffler nor Perdue have done themselves favors by attacking the Republican Secretary of State this week & calling for his resignation for ‘mishandling the election’. By Georgia standards, Loeffler is a carpetbagger who married into money, and Perdue is a powdered dandy who has never been available to voters who can’t afford to underwrite his fundraising - not even by calling his office (truth). I will be surprised if *together* they can inspire enough turnout to keep those seats red.

just so you know.
Always glad to hear the inside track, Georgia is changing, I'm a bit familiar with the huge FPV crowd there, mostly liberals, Atlanta is a real FPV hotspot. It is one of those successful southern states that is attracting industry tech and talent with a rapidly growing democratic and educated population. I hope it breaks open the solid south in the senate too, this race has a lot on the line for America, it means four more years of Mitch, the job won't be done until he is gone or neutered. If he retains control of the senate he is most likely to starve half of America and crash it's economy just to fuck up Joe, if past performance is anything to go by.
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And this is a topic of discussion in America today...
Let's talk about Trump using the military to maintain control....
It’s a media discussion almost entirely...Beau earns his reputation yet again with this piece.
Change yer Avatar and sig picture fool, there's a million dollar reward for yer ass and yer neighbors might not be too particular. I hear @UncleBuck is looking fur big bucks and you are kinda like two birds with one stone for him. If I git ya first, I promise to be gentle and you'll have a clean cage till I sell yer carcass.

‘10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty’ is latest in Bigfoot craze

OK, enough with the grainy footage, the first-person accounts and questionable evidence. Spike TV is looking to get to the bottom of this whole Bigfoot mystery once and for all with its next reality competition series, “10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty.”

Not surprisingly, the series, which premieres Jan. 10, hasn’t attracted a whole lot of what you would call studious, academic types. Instead, you get a whole lot of angry, sexist rednecks yelling at each other in the woods. What better way to attract a notoriously camera-shy, quite probably mythical creature, than to have a bunch of people arguing in the woods?
:( folks folks settle down jeesh it was an honest mistake. The percentage I used was really not the point I was making. The point was you all have a lot to over come and need to work hard to do it. I only read the first couple of post after mine so I can only assume it has now expanded......opps my bad :(.
Tsk tsk, Bob. All that time you spent trying to convince us you were anti government and anti trump but your posts of late clearly show you were full of shit.

Complaining about voter fraud? Them there’s some trumper speak, Jethro.
Invite him to diner, it could be rewarding, you hold the bag and I'll...
But yet they do all the time.
yep, here we are.
When I was a young boy (wanted to be like grandpa) I took up trapping and the first time I found just the leg of a rabbit in my trap I never trapped again. How desperate would you be to chew off your own limb to survive? That is where I see Donald Trump at this time, desperate to survive. Hopefully the America constitution and its people are stronger than that and I’m sure they are.
When I was a young boy (wanted to be like grandpa) I took up trapping and the first time I found just the leg of a rabbit in my trap I never trapped again. How desperate would you be to chew off your own limb to survive? That is where I see Donald Trump at this time, desperate to survive. Hopefully the America constitution and its people are stronger than that and I’m sure they are.
If Trump was ever a winner I would be worried.

Everything he got was given to him.