Found a Baby Deer


New Member
hey 420 god
like i said before glad it was you that found baby
take care of her and take care yourself


Well-Known Member
hey 420god are they still each others shadow ?
They hang out around each other a lot but not as much as when it first did. I think the cat liked sleeping under the heat lamp more than anything. It comes around everytime I show up outside with a bottle for Baby and hangs around her for a while after.


Well-Known Member
Happy to see you guys are still going strong. Heres a few I just took minutes ago from my bedroom window. Momma and her baby.



Well-Known Member
Cool pics, awesome that they get that close to the house.
Yeah, its got to the point where they're so use to me that before that picture was taken I actually walked outside and moved my truck and they didn't even run, just cautiously stared. Which is how I ended up getting these here pictures.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure its a she?
I just ask that cause that last pic, those dark spots above the eyes, are they bumps?
When I first saw those I thought she was a buck to, they're just two black spots on her fur, part of her camouflage.


Well-Known Member
When I first saw those I thought she was a buck to, they're just two black spots on her fur, part of her camouflage.
She should be growing fsat. is she eating acorns and oatmeal and stuff yet? Saw that she's way bigger than the cat now- Real cool thread, Thanks


Active Member
Ohmygoodness, she is absolutely precious.

Thanks so much for keeping us up to speed on her progress. The cuteness factor is off the charts.