Found a Baby Deer


Well-Known Member
Damn I hav missed alot pages, had to catch up. And keep that Baby away from the street momma. LOL She is looking real good and growing.
I'm doing what I can as far as keeping her away and I'm hoping with yesterday's close calls that she'd learned that road isn't a good place for her to be.

Really does kinda suck doing what I do and having to worry about her at the same time. Fingers crossed that she doesn't end up like her mom.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
We're hummingbird central right now. We were watching the hummingbird feeders yesterday and counted 30 of them hovering and fighting around just ONE feeder. I have to fill them up daily. :p


Well-Known Member
We're hummingbird central right now. We were watching the hummingbird feeders yesterday and counted 30 of them hovering and fighting around just ONE feeder. I have to fill them up daily. :p
They've been coming around here daily but not nearly that many. I have feeders hanging all around the house to attract them, I love seeing them zip around.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
They've been coming around here daily but not nearly that many. I have feeders hanging all around the house to attract them, I love seeing them zip around.
We have 13 different species that reside in NM during the Summer. Plus there is a rare species hardly ever seen outside of Mexico. We have two of them. I almost dropped my laptop when I realized what they were. I'm trying to get some pictures but they're too damn fast. They are hilarious. They fight like hell. :p

This is the best I could do. I'm having trouble with the focus on my camera. grrrr.

They're called Plain-capped Star throats. Here's a clearer picture:

They're not even supposed to be this far north. :)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
They've been coming around here daily but not nearly that many. I have feeders hanging all around the house to attract them, I love seeing them zip around.
I thought you might get a kick out of this.

It's a white-tailed deer that actually lives in a house. I guess it was born blind and they raised it from a fawn. It's blind and sleeps in a bed in it's own bedroom. :p


Well-Known Member
she's so cute.

we have a ot of hummingbirds here too. i see some everyday. they make me so happy for some reason. evertime i see one my spirt is lifted.


Well-Known Member
I got her to eat an entire bottle this morning which is pretty good considering it was on her own.

Here's a few pic from just a little while ago.
Oh man u scared me I was scanning through the post and read yours really quick and it looked like you wrote "I got to eat her" I was like mother fucker, but nope good job on your deed bro.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Looking good! getting big!

Is she like super relaxed or still skiddish like a wild animal?

Your lawn/pond looks great by the way!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
she's so cute.

we have a ot of hummingbirds here too. i see some everyday. they make me so happy for some reason. evertime i see one my spirt is lifted.
Among the many tribes around here, they believe that hummingbirds are messengers from the Holy People. They bring good fortune and happiness. Funny you should mention that. :)


Well-Known Member
Looking good! getting big!

Is she like super relaxed or still skiddish like a wild animal?

Your lawn/pond looks great by the way!
She's still a little jumpy around new things but she gets use to them really quick.

And thanks about the pond, I just put it in 2 years ago, did most of the work by hand myself.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
She's still a little jumpy around new things but she gets use to them really quick.

And thanks about the pond, I just put it in 2 years ago, did most of the work by hand myself.
I was drooling over your garden too. That's a really nice garden. :)


Well-Known Member
thats right...its a needed thing..if people didnt shoot bambis mom and dad every year..the deers would destroy crops, eating themselves outa food and dying off from decease.

lol its always the cutest animals that do the most damage
deer over population is due to the fact humans killed off their predators who kept the population in check..reintroduce wolves and cougars and bears into their natural habitat.