found a huge patch of weed, but lots of police activity


Hah would have been great though if you took some, then in a couple days we see someone else make a post "Some mother Fucker stole my Plans!!!"
anyone help me my first time growing have some cheese and cali orange first time growing cali orange three week in flowering an cheese 1 day flowering how big should they be?caliorange only two foot tall and cheese two foot tall will these grow anymore or once veg stage over they finish growing height wise


New Member
CaliORange your hi jacking my thread, thats a NO NO in here dude. Post a link and you will get more business that way

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
leave them be you bad bad man!

even taking clones, well what's the point...... a handful of seeds will cost you what, maybe $15? $20?

it's his grow, you have no right in there or to any of it. if i had just harvested my plants and i had some trimmings lying around, if someone, heck, even a friend, took a pocket or two of that without asking me, then i'd fu** him up no question. next thing you know he's laminated a bunch of big fan leaves to stick on his wall cus it's cool people start asking him what that's about. and if it was sopmeone i didn't know, then they'd have NO right so i'm smash em up a bit.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
No need for violence man, peace out.
idf someone rips your crop, there's always a need for violence. to teach the batty a lesson to pass on to friends of his. don't take people's crap, a broken arm can easily nail that one in :)

and you guys have probably seen my view on guns in one way or another here, but i must confess, if i found someone, anyone, my best friend, sneaking around my patch, nicking this and that, or even whole tree's, then i would be really very inclined to shoot them to pulp :)


Well-Known Member
No need for violence man, peace out.
Haha thats the only way the dumb mother f'ers learn. Douchebags that will steal a crop, will steal other things that benefit them financialy. And their going to keep doing it as long as they get away with it. Even if they get confronted about it, they will still continue to do it. But once they get a good ass woopin, they'll at least leave your shit alone. Trust me, I know. I had to wolly wop one of my "best friends" once.


Active Member
idf someone rips your crop, there's always a need for violence. to teach the batty a lesson to pass on to friends of his. don't take people's crap, a broken arm can easily nail that one in :)

and you guys have probably seen my view on guns in one way or another here, but i must confess, if i found someone, anyone, my best friend, sneaking around my patch, nicking this and that, or even whole tree's, then i would be really very inclined to shoot them to pulp :)
not that i dont feel the same way but this is why law enforcment looks down on us growers...


Active Member
ur a fuckin dick dont call the cops what if i fuckin tracked ur ip which on this site prolly isnt to hard and told the cops u grow and shit thats messed up u should get ur ass kicked i agree that stealing iss wrong but so is narcing on sum1 for something not even dangerous


I'd call the cops. It would be the morally right thing to do, fuck stealing. =)


Well-Known Member
ur a fuckin dick dont call the cops what if i fuckin tracked ur ip which on this site prolly isnt to hard and told the cops u grow and shit thats messed up u should get ur ass kicked i agree that stealing iss wrong but so is narcing on sum1 for something not even dangerous


Wow can't sense sarcasm?

Maybe i should call the grammar police on you for murdering the English language.


New Member
ur a fuckin dick dont call the cops what if i fuckin tracked ur ip which on this site prolly isnt to hard and told the cops u grow and shit thats messed up u should get ur ass kicked i agree that stealing iss wrong but so is narcing on sum1 for something not even dangerous

Settle down man, its called a joke dude :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ur a fuckin dick dont call the cops what if i fuckin tracked ur ip which on this site prolly isnt to hard and told the cops u grow and shit thats messed up u should get ur ass kicked i agree that stealing iss wrong but so is narcing on sum1 for something not even dangerous


Oh and by the way I'm on a lap-top.

Wireless FTW!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
ur a fuckin dick dont call the cops what if i fuckin tracked ur ip which on this site prolly isnt to hard and told the cops u grow and shit thats messed up u should get ur ass kicked i agree that stealing iss wrong but so is narcing on sum1 for something not even dangerous


he said "i'd" not "i'll".........

he's saying if he were in the OP's position....................


Well-Known Member
not that i dont feel the same way but this is why law enforcment looks down on us growers...
Even though I react that way, I agree. Thats my main reasoning to wish it was legal. The only reason there is violence is because you have all your theives trying to get your shit so you have to act all big n bold to keep it from happening. It's stupid. I can't wait for the day when your crop gets stolen and you can call the cops and say "hey man, this guy just stole my plants, get em!" It'll never happen. Just wishful thinking.
As much as I'd like to kill anyone who stole some of my herb... To be honest, I just don't think I could resist the urge to sample just a little.. but after that leave it be. Someone like you and I spent alot of time taking care of their lil buddies, ya know?


Active Member
As much as I'd like to kill anyone who stole some of my herb... To be honest, I just don't think I could resist the urge to sample just a little.. but after that leave it be. Someone like you and I spent alot of time taking care of their lil buddies, ya know?
we got us a new lady friend lol,,, welcome to the great place of riu...